And the sad part is he won AND did well! I decided to use the a wall for the first time and I really only stood still during the wall being up and usually it's not for more than 5 seconds at a time. Either way his hate mail was completely unwarranted and he bitched at me for camping. Well during cash in on bounty hunt where the -blam!- else am I gonna go? I [i]know[/i] enemies are going to be there (at the banks) why would I run away? There's only 2 spots you need to be in bounty hunt, banks and bounty zones. People who bitch about this are a special kind of stupid. That's the point of the game. For me to stop you from getting points whilst getting my own.
I had a guy a couple weeks ago make a new account just so he could talk shit and not get banned after an attrition match.
Havent gotten hatemail in a while, I'm kinda jealous.
-blam!- a wall. Shouldn't even be In a game revolving around movement.
I'll probably get hate mail soon... Y'know, when I stop being shit at the game... *cries*
I used Legion's smart core in a narrow alleyway with many pilots and killed about 5. Got hate mail afterwards saying I'm hacking.
Nice emblem.
Report hate mail they are quite effective my xbl friend got 1 day ban for trash talking in pm
I got called a hacker. Not my fault your team sucks and Titanfall 2's sbmm sucks.
My first hate mail came from the game that shall not be named at least in here and offtopic, but in TF2 someone called my scorch unskilled. Not my fault you stand in my fire...the whole time. Probably a Christmas noob.
Why do you feel the need to defend your in-game tactics to us? There's nothing wrong with camping in a FPS; it is often advantageous. I do wish I got more hate mail though (from the opposition, of course)... It proves you were doing something right.
Well I really wouldn't call what you described as "camping" per se, more playing the objective in bounty hunt mode (a good portion of which is stopping the enemy team from banking their cash in which it's usually a good idea to post up at the bank and control). Most people don't understand the difference between straight up camping and area control. I've received a few hate mails on Destiny or CoD for similar tactics, simply controlling a gimme objective being called camping. Much more for posting up on some far away hill overlooking 2 or 3 objectives or the enemy spawn in BF4 which is most definitely camping my ass off.
Why do people even care about hate mails? I just ignore them
I hate anybody that uses the A-Wall and Devotion TBH
Equip a pilot sentry, hemlock/devotion, wingman, and tone to harass him even further.
Somewhat related: I once got bitched at for camping in AW, problem was that I was using a sniper, and last I checked you're supposed to camp with a sniper. I also got messaged earlier today in BF4 by a guy with an absurd amount of kills with the bow, he was sad that I left because he was dominating me.
How many times did you kill him while "camping"? Cause if you die by a camper more than once then you have no business bitching.
I just started using the A-wall and Devotion
I got my first hate mail on The PS4 was on overwatch and he said that I was a hacker. Then he wanted to f#### with my mom. I think a Cod player.
I got my first ever hate mail on PlayStation playing Titanfall 2. Guy messaged me to tell me how much I sucked. My response was yes I do suck, thank you Captain Obvious
Id rather see a A-wall camper at the bounty spot than a anti pilot turret
I mean, I hate people camping the banks but all I do is [i]go to a different bank next time.[/i] If he's not that smart then that's his fault.
Camping stopped being a legitimate argument long ago. Nowadays every building and location in games has a million ways to enter, making traditional camping obsolete.
Whenever I get hate mail I always say they sent it to the wrong person Or I message them to 1v1 me for an hour straight There really is no in between
Are you going to make a post about this every time someone sends you a hate mail? Now that would be stupid.
Report him then
Got called trashy during a match of Last Titan after out smarting and executing a northstar user with my own northstar.