played for a week & i'm having fun so far, but starting to feel like i want to join a tribe! (sick of all my stuff going missing lol)
real noob to survival games (only played fallout on survival but im sure that doesn't count lol) but I'm a fast learner!
Anyways! i'd be happy in pvp or pve but would prefer a group 18+ if possible, but tbh i couldnt imagine kids lasting very long! (dam sure i can't!)
i play most nights for 3-4hour once my son is in bed & much more at weekends so ill be a very active member!
Safety in numbers!!
Off topic but I was thinking about getting ARK on Ps4 but I heard it runs very bad. Poor Rendering, DCs, bad framerate. How do you like it from performance stand point?
Play on a PvE server and learn the ropes. People can't attack you but you still have to watch out for Dino's. If you're new to these types of games it may end up being more fun and less stressful.