And the sad part is he won AND did well! I decided to use the a wall for the first time and I really only stood still during the wall being up and usually it's not for more than 5 seconds at a time. Either way his hate mail was completely unwarranted and he bitched at me for camping. Well during cash in on bounty hunt where the -blam!- else am I gonna go? I [i]know[/i] enemies are going to be there (at the banks) why would I run away? There's only 2 spots you need to be in bounty hunt, banks and bounty zones. People who bitch about this are a special kind of stupid. That's the point of the game. For me to stop you from getting points whilst getting my own.
Got called trashy during a match of Last Titan after out smarting and executing a northstar user with my own northstar.