originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]More dropships were entering the sky, leaving troops scattered throughout the village [/b]
"Take back the dojo, take back the world."
[b]Watcher's vision faded as he placed his head on a rock [/b]
(Cravis, unknowing what to do, did what he had seen his boss do so many times. Out if a satchel, he pulled out two things - a packet of stem-cell resin, and a device he still had no idea what it did. He placed the device on watchers head, and looked at the stem cell resin, unsure what to do, and simply threw it away. He then turned away, and loaded into his gun more high explosive rounds as well as shield penetrating rounds, determined to avenge his friend.)
[b]As Cravis prepared, his options became evident. He could either take back the inside of the dojo whilst destroying any dropships Or he could go into the village on a rampage [/b]
(He decided to take out as many dropships as possible)
[b]Cravis exited the dojo through the hole that was now in the wall, dropships were dotted across the sky [/b]
(He fired at ones engine)
[b]The ship crashed into a second, and both went down in flames [/b]
(He attempted to do it again to another two)
[b]This time, neither one of the ships went down as they both evaded the missiles [/b]
(He reloaded, repositioned, and tried again)
[b]The dropship entered evasive action once more, dodging the rocket as it thumped on the ground. Several men exited and began firing upon Cravis position [/b]
(Cravis ducked behind cover, pulled out a small submachine gun and look a few shots at them)
[b]One of the men fell, but the remaining six ducked down behind cover [/b]
(He threw a small silver sphere at their cover)
[b]The enemies kept up the pressure, unsure of what it was [/b]
(It exploded, and Cravis sighed.) "No matter how many times it happens, they never expect it to be a grenade."
[b]A piece of cover was blown to shreds, sending one of the men backwards [/b]
(He took the temporary confusion to take a short burst at them)
[b]The enemy's armor to took the shots for the most part, and he fired back at Cravis before falling to one knee, obviously injured [/b]
[spoiler]sorry, had stuff to do[/spoiler] (Cravis took a quick pot - shot at him from behind cover)