I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Edited by MediocreMiddie: 1/20/2017 9:44:14 AMLike most things in the game. Stand here, shoot that. Kings fall in a nutcase. But i enjoyed it alot, but i enjoy wotm and vog way more
Still my favorite Raid. VOG is great, especially for the first "Raid". Crota is OK, but just "OK". WoTM kinda bugs me...but I can't really put my finger on why. It's fine, but I dunno. Probably my least favorite Raid. The thing about Kings Fall is its sense of majesty. The entire Taken King expansion was geared around killing Oryx and fighting off the Hive / Taken invasion, with the Kings Fall Raid being the final battle. The whole game was leading up to that final battle in the throne world. And it didn't disappoint...a 10-story tall Taken King awaited us after slogging through a very technical and difficult Raid. It was tough, it was punishing, it was hard...but finally beating Oryx and watching him float lifelessly towards Saturn at the end was oh-so-satisfying. Still is. I realize everyone has a different opinion, and that's fine, but Kings Fall is the only Raid to me that really felt like you accomplished something at the end. So yeah...love it.
I didn't mind the raid, but I felt as I it was a little unexplained For most who didn't read the grimore probably thought we killed oryx in the regicide mission, only to have to face him ever more powerful and 20 times larger But it was a decent raid overall
I remember the last time I played kings fall I swore I'd never play it again. Haven't gone near it since. Don't plan on it either. Id like to re visit VOG and Crotas end if they were brought back
Edited by Meishell: 1/20/2017 4:51:21 AMI still love the King's Fall raid but most of my friends hate it. Which makes me kinda sad because I've been wanting to run the raid for a while now. :P
Loved it but now can't get a fireteam to play it since bungie won't add matchmaking for older content like skolas. IDIOTS
Loathe. No, despise.
Love it!!
King's Fall was satisfying to play for a while. I only ever played it with my clan. I can't imagine the horror show of attempting a 16 bomb detonation on Oryx with randoms. Wearing the armour was just a means to an end for increasing light level. One to one infusion didn't exist, so often you'd have to make do with the raid gear. I personally think it looks ugly af: Hunter helm - vagina face Warlock helm - lightbulb head Titan - dino cosplay gone wrong With regard to the weapons, it should have been set, decent rolls. There were basically the two extremes of quality. The highly desired Qullim's Terminus & 'Defiance of aim assist' which saw heavy PvP usage. On the flipside, erm, Zaouli's Bane anybody?!
The length of the raid and the boring but with sisters and Oryx. I enjoyed the raid though.
It was an ok raid
Kings fall has nothing on VoG. Kings fall got old fast! But not as fast as wrath.
It is a great raid that had good gear, different tiers and the fact that you can have good checkpoints. The problems I have with it are their challenges and mechanics that are very unforgiving especially on Heroic mode.
The best raid in my opinion.
Most annoying raid ever because people never understood [spoiler]anti-f*cking- clockwise[/spoiler]
This raid is great! Everyone hates the jumping parts, but those are so cool to me!
Loved everything except Oryx. By far the worst fight that made the least since that he would have 4 ogres drop the ONE thing that actually damaged him. Teams were always as strong as their weakest link in that area. I've done it with ransoms in Y3, 1 phased war priest, then everything fell apart. Golgoroth died in 6 phases. 2 deaths. We did sisters, took us half an hour. And of this team where everyone was near 400, one man repeatedly died at oryx by acolyte eyes. ACOLYTE EYES. I've died from those in the raid maybe 10 times total. Now I don't do old raids without my squad
Like it
I miss running vog... Every raid is and was shit compared to vog.
I loved it
I loved it, and would love to play it again if I could find a group that's not filled with total scrubs!
Dont mind it. Its just demands so much out of everyone in your fireteam that when 1 screws up, it probably leads to a wipe. Can get vexing when it keeps happening
Edited by botbot1973: 1/19/2017 7:28:38 PMGreat raid wotm is a strike compared to it.
Ehh, I like the background. The art design and storyline was enjoyable to play through. The raid itself wasn't horrible. Too many mechanics that almost always led to "let's sit in one spot and shoot at him for as long as possible". But it wasn't bad. I just wish the weapons didn't suck.
Edited by Abrrinacave: 1/19/2017 6:47:34 PMIts good IF you have a group that knows what they're doing
Too mechanic filled and long but very fun to complete. Corta had too few mechanics and was too short but vog and wotm are both perfect