I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
If i had to rank the raids it'd probably go as follows. 1. Vault of glass My first raid ever. I don't think the feeling of completing it for the first time can be duplicated. It's a no brainer #1 in my opinion. 2. Wrath of the machine Just really started running wotm after hooking up with a good crew. Love the gear from it almost as much as vog...almost. Really fun. 3. Crota Good raid from front to back. Only reason its #3 is from the "kicked for no g-horn" epidemic that run rampant with this raid. 4. Kings fall My least favorite. Not because it isn't fun or challenging. Just so many futile attempts with horrible team members, so many trys ended in rage quits and shit talking (by everyone) that i just gave up and stopped tryin.
It was fine . Hated the RNG of the rewards. All the guns were shit except the pulse.
King's Fall mainly catered to the extremely hardcore members of the community. While many people loved it, King's Fall made using LFG near impossible. The raid was so mechanically complicated, time-limit heavy, and unforgiving that unless you had a regular raid team that knew exactly what to do, you were screwed.
The few (actually like 5-6) times I decided to try and get it done I either ended up in a bad team or one in which after getting to Warpriest a player would have to leave when real life reared its head, then bad off player throws off chemistry and others give up, so on and so forth. Every. Single. Time. I want to get a group that knows it well and is patient to get it knocked out at least once, but really want the grimoire for ToM also. Same goes for WotM. Only done it twice and both times guys have to leave once we're at Aksis, and my first time it was going fairly smooth, and we had all the monitors to kick off Outbreak Prime quest. I don't think anyone died at all up to Aksis aside from missing a jump going through the wall their first time, but after 2-3 wipes at Aksis, 1 guy bails, then another, then I'm hungry and/or ready for Netflix... and [i]chilling.[/i] If there's anybody in this thread interested in helping out a vet who wants to get these raids done, by all means if you're on PS4 add me. Gamer tag is Waynard1724.
A lot of people hate that raid because it required team work and for people to learn actual mechanics. Even though those mechanics are as simple as knowing your left and right and the ability to count to three. Also the loot is bad. The LMG was very good. And the sniper is a good pvp sniper. However apart from that the loot was largely underwhelming. With no great primary weapons to speak of. If you got firefly on the pulse rifle, it was ok. However it was still worse than the vendor hung jury. I did really enjoy my time with kings fall. However it was the only light level relevant raid for an entire year.. which means it also got over played. It was also one of the best ways to obtain infusion fuel.
I enjoyed it, I thought it looked amazing and had some really interesting mechanics. Visually the scale of the end boss fight was amazing, especially when you defeat him and he floats off. The issue for me was oryx had little room for error which made it less accessible for a lot of people. It was a little too unforgiving when mistakes were made. Also, although the weapons looked cool they just weren't that exciting or useful out of the raid so people felt less need to farm them. People are still talking about VOG weapons, and would grind for fatebringer or the timepiece. Crota had black hammer etc. Weapons you would keep playing for. KF weapons didn't seem to have anything that made them desirable out of the raid. They look cool in black but that's about it. Wrath is more on track again. Outbreak prime is outstanding, and some of the primary's have perks you can currently only get on those specific weapons ( focused fire fly etc). That's my take on it anyway.
People dislike King's Fall??? I loved all the Raids. WoTM is probably my least favorite just for the fact that it is built around light level and has less mechanics than the other Raids. VoG brought a ton of great moments with friends. Crota's End was "cheesy" literally...but it was still fun trying to figure out the best way to get the most DPS with the sword. King's Fall was amazing. It was huge, lots of puzzles, and a ton of mechanics. I loved the challenge! WoTM was easy. A little too easy. Not as memorable. Not many fun moments. It wasn't bad though.
It's like dirty everywhere and all hivey. Vault was much better aesthetically. Being runner is fun af
To be honest, I just hated it, I don't know why but I hated it, the ascendant plane shader looks dope as -blam!- though
I like the gear from it. It's really unique and looks better than the crota's end gear. The raid is super mechanic heavy. It forces people to think. Maybe that's why a lot of people don't like it. Their too stupid to think they just want to shoot things blindly. So bungie gave them strikes. and now they're complaining about strikes being mechanic heavy. Really? these mechanics are great, people just can't get the groups where people aren't idiots. So I got my clan together (People who can get mechanics done, why we completed wraith of the machine so easily) and never wiped once. man year 2 were the days... Taken kind had content. and now it's wasted content... Go bungie. Screwing us over again.
Because it actually took some skills and a little paying attention! Oh.....and a vast amount amount of players in this community just want things handed over to them.
I enjoy all of the raids. VOG being my favorite.
I enjoyed KF.
Hated it. Same mechanics every fight, stand on plates, steal aura, do damage, repeat. Add in peoples inability to stay alive, know the mechanics, better players having left with the update and it was a recipe for disaster. Even had a guy one time not know his left from his right and another one who didn't understand clockwise/counter clockwise.
Just to be that guy, sisters is one of the easiest sections of the raid.... The raid as a whole is fine, wish there was a better way to not have to 6 man the totems, but besides that I only ever got frustrated when playing with hard-headed mfers that don't just listen to how mechanics work.
It's awesome!
If I didn't have to lfg a group for hrs I enjoyed it. Once my regular team mates left destiny that yr I hated it bc of the inability of a good bit of the player base not being able to understand mechanics or knowing their right from their left. Some weeks were great bc I managed to get 5 other guardians that could actually walk and chew gum at the same time to complete it in an hr
Wanna grab a fire team and do it with me some time swag? I want harrowed defiance of Yasmin or WOTM's ex machina
I -blam!-ing hate that raid. I think WOTM is way better.
It's good if you didn't have to LFG
All the raids are awesome. If you really think about it, there's nothing like it in any game. People just need to appreciate what Bungie created and not take it for granted. And don't forget about prison of elders and Skolas, that was pretty fun to. I can't wait till they bring all that content to year three. It'll be amazing. ✌🏻
It looks like you're new and since the raids are new to you there's no reason to hate them. For me the reason I can't stand it is that they ignore the old raids as soon as a new one comes out making the old raids obsolete. So you end up only playing the new raid because the old raids are worthless for gear and advancement. Then they make the newest raid the only way to get to the highest light level so you're forced to run it over and over and over without playing any other aspects of the game because they become worthless for gear and advancement. The raid itself is ok and on normal it's not a pain in the ass when someone makes an error and dies because you don't have to wipe. If you played hard kings fall 3X a week for four hours per raid like most people had to back when it came out, you'd hate it too.
Edited by MidgetNinja178: 1/18/2017 3:06:41 PMKings fall is not a bad raid just takes way to long to do. but its always like that when its your fire teams first time going through it or u have one or two people you have to explain mechanics to. But in all kings fall to me even though it took to long to complete. it was challenging and i like thing that force me to think and strategics. although the best raid is still Vog by a long run.
The raid itself wasn't bad, it was the gear that was terrible. In my opinion the only good weapon was the machine gun, the rocket launcher was decent too.
It's the kind of raid that all raids should be. Bungie got everything right with the wrath of the mashine in the fact that it's fast paced all untill the final boss where things grind to a halt and feels slow. Oryx raid was epic mashine is kinda ehhh. I think more raids like oryx but slight less hyper mechanism perfection is how they should do there raids.
It's far to mechanics heavy. I actually love that raid but it is frustrating simply in the way it is designed. The gameplay isn't difficult but with the amount of mechanics required in each section it is a very perfectionist heavy raid which is just annoying. The slightest mistake causes a wipe. There simply is no recovering in kings fall, which ruins a lot of badass team moments that add to the fun. In VoG when a player jumps out of nowhere and titan smashes a vex about to sacrifice himself and saves the team, or in WoTM when a player comes out of nowhere and stuns Aksis to prevent a wipe, those moments enhance the experience and make it fun. In Kings Fall if one person makes a tiny mistake you wipe. It's as simple as that. Not to mention the amount of glitches that happen that cause wipes in that raid.