I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
It's far to mechanics heavy. I actually love that raid but it is frustrating simply in the way it is designed. The gameplay isn't difficult but with the amount of mechanics required in each section it is a very perfectionist heavy raid which is just annoying. The slightest mistake causes a wipe. There simply is no recovering in kings fall, which ruins a lot of badass team moments that add to the fun. In VoG when a player jumps out of nowhere and titan smashes a vex about to sacrifice himself and saves the team, or in WoTM when a player comes out of nowhere and stuns Aksis to prevent a wipe, those moments enhance the experience and make it fun. In Kings Fall if one person makes a tiny mistake you wipe. It's as simple as that. Not to mention the amount of glitches that happen that cause wipes in that raid.
It's too mechanical and not enough fun. VoG and WotM are great because once you do it a few times, it becomes an opportunity to talk and have fun with your raid team instead of calling out mechanics and stuff. KF had way too much of that.
I thought it was pretty good. It was hard, but good. Loved the armour and the look of the weapons. It really required good teammates and timing. I was lucky enough to have good teammates.
I liked kings fall, I feel the only downside was how long I could take. Maybe people just get down obit because it was the only thing to do for so long?
My main complaint is people who become angry and quit or leave an flg team after one or two failed tries. The raid itself is good but one shitty teammate can ruin it.
People don't like it because it usually takes wayy too long to do
What you dp in KF: Kill ads. Jump to spot. Shoot boss. Repeat. Reasons why i didnt like it: Boring and unforgiving, AWFUL GEAR, Oryx's crusty casino is gross, the sound of the Sisters' scream, getting insta killed by the shade when teleported into it, it exposed just how weak some teamates were, did i mention boring?
love it, but there should be a harrowed shader, I love the armor/weapon colors and I want all of my armor to look like it.
I've played all the raids and I think kings fall was the best. Very well designed with lots of encounters.
The whole thing takes too long, and it's unforgiving. One person makes a mistake, and the whole team wipes. I stopped raiding a long time ago. I prefer strikes with randoms, more fun.
It's completely unforgiving, like on wotm if somebody dies or messes up, if you are good enough you can correct and complete the encounter anyway, but on kingsfall if somebody did as much as sneezed at the wrong time it was back to the start for you
Takes far too long with a poor team, poor weapons, armour perks only affect two parts of the raid, challenge mode was far too easy and disappointing... lots of reasons
It's a great raid, but as time has moved on I put it at the bottom of the list for its very stringent mechanics.
Edited by BegFourMercy: 1/18/2017 2:44:31 PMI do not believe you. You would be lucky to get 1 drop. 51 deaths. Brutal.
I love it, but never finished it.
I loved it. I can run every single position for every encounter in my sleep. My only problem is that one screw up basically made you wipe
Back when it was THE raid to do, I kinda hated it. But now in hindsight, and after playing the wotm raid, I like Kings fall a lot more now. Now I appreciate all of the diverse gameplay mechanics throughout the Kings Fall.
I love it only for how much it revolves around being a team. However, for new players, that raid is way too difficult if they do not watch a video, and even then it's still pretty hard.
It just feels so... big. And it acts as a huge accomplishment when you defeat a boss. It's a hard raid for casuals but is fun if your familiar with it and know the mechanics.
I really liked it. It was the longest one I think and that was a good or bad thing. With a good group it was fun and challenging. With a bad group it was a nightmare. But that was the first raid where like the whole group needed to know their jobs. It was a little harder to just carry someone or just tell them, "stand over here and watch what we do." I used to always say that Totems was the place where you figured out what kind of raid team you had. There was no boss, no dps, basically just mechanics and communication. And everyone had to know the rotation and how not to screw the aura transfer up. If you had problems here, the rest of your raid was not gonna be fun. The loot? Meh. Infusion fuel. Technically the raid weapons were not bad. By today's standards they have pretty good perks. I like the machine gun actually, especially with cocoon where you didn't have to worry about reload. But you gotta look at where this raid fell in the timeline. Before King's Fall the last raid we had was Crota's End. With these year one raids you had elemental primaries, plus legendaries like Fatebringer and Black Hammer. You had Vision of Confluence, you had Hunger of Crota, Fang of Ir Yut, and so on. I remember the names of these weapons because they were head and shoulders above your average legendary. It's why people want elemental primaries back and such. So King's Fall gets here, and the raid weapons feel so dull in comparison. Woohoo. Cocoon. Yay. Full auto. None of them stuck out in a big way like Black Hammer did with its White Nail perk. And as far as the looks? Sure they had that unique King's Fall look with cool sights, but honestly a lot of them look the same. I can't tell the Scout rifle apart from the sniper rifle until I am up with it. As time went on, I got used to the weapons and realized their perks weren't too bad as legendaries go. But nothing like the raid legendaries we were used to. The older raids had weapons that people knew and sought after, grinded for. Had their own legend. Like an exotic would. Ask anybody about Fatebringer or Black Hammer, or heaven forbid the combination of the two. Plus, eh. KF weapons look like they were stuck together with Bubble Gum.
It was a fun raid with people who knew what they were doing. Don't get me wrong, I love new players, but if someone died it seemed like an instant wipe.
Although the mechanics were in a way very team oriented, it was easy to get "your job" and only run that one job in each engagement. This caused a lot of people to focus on only learning one thing in the raid. There was always a "I only know how to do plates" or "who wants to take gaze?"*crickets*. Fun raid, but it allowed people to never leave their comfort zone. At least hard mode mixes up the torn in daughters but that's it. That's why I like WOTM for Aksis, it randomly gives empowered, forcing quick thinking and changing active on the fly.
I liked it. It was unforgiving. But that just made it more of a challenge. The introduction of challenges were a nice twist. Length was great. Had a few puzzles. Kept you on your toes. Loot sucked balls tho. I don't really care for WotM because frankly it's hella easy and too short. Enemies are bland and the boss is lackluster. Not at all epic like Oryx or Atheon were. VoG was the on point raid. With still hands down the best weapons and gear.
Loved it. Had the length and mechanics in the raid recipe, along with cool looking bosses.
I've never finished it, so I don't think I can give a valid opinion.
Kings fall sucks