I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Where's the CCL option...??? Couldn't Care Less.
Neither. It was ok to pretty good, thats all. One things for sure, it kept me going back and doing 3 full runs each reset day for months. WoTM is a better raid imo, but i had acquired everything in 6 runs......boring as shit, nothing to grind for. No longevity.
If you have a good team its a great raid. On the flip side if you team sucks you WILL rage quit.
It was fun for the first I'd say 50ish runs. But the loot drops sucked. I remember running War Priest and Golgoroth 3 times a week and having no loot drop. Took the wind out of me real fast. In terms of funnest raid ever to me would be VOG. But i could be being a little nostalgic with it since it was the first raid ever lol
I think it's hated because the raid as a whole was overcomplicated for no real reason. For the bosses, you had to do everything almost flawlessly or you failed. And the platforming sections were easy for some classes, but a giant pain for the others, needing to do pretty much frame perfect jumping to pass it. I can understand wanting to make a raid challenging, and they should be, but King's Fall was just straight frustrating.
My personal opinion on a few common examples of how raid can be frustrating The players who: 1. Only do one role/side 2. don't know how to take the brand or don't do it 3. Anyone want to take Golgeroth's gaze? *deathly silence*...... (refer to #1) 4. Find jumping is too hard and get hit by the pillars near exotic chest 5. don't understand counter clock-wise is depressingly astounding 6. Can't do plates (refer to #1) 7. Forgot there are light eater knights or don't understand how to snipe them from the plate I personally have dislike for #1
Really good and also super challenging, but the loot was terrible! Auto Rifle? Worst in the game, same as the Hand Cannon. The Scout was super average and nowhere near Hung Jury. The Pulse Rifle was good but had dogshit stability. All the special weapons were plain bad or mediocre. Both Heavy weapons were good but the RNG of getting a good perk roll meant they were usually crap. I like what they've done with the WotM weapons. Maybe buff the perks slightly and give elemental damage and you've got perfect raid weapons.
Quillim's Terminus changed my life. That thing feels great! And reloads itself. I use Defiance of Yasmin in crucible sometimes. The heroic shader looks a bit cool sometimes. Warpriest and Golgoroth were cool. That last room though. Damn. Glitchy mechanics and one person always messed up (even could be me from time to time). I liked doing it though. And I carried a lot of new-comers through it. I would post here in the forums asking low light and first timers to join. I've taught perhaps a dozen or more players that raid back to front. I enjoyed it at the time but WoTM looks better, feels better… and giving everyone equal responsibility in that final boss fight? I reckon it IS better. Just my two cents.
i still like VOG but WOTM is pretty darn close in the fun factor. we get VOG and it being first it set a gold standard that still hasnt been duplicated in any destiny activity. we get crota and everyone cried it was too easy. we get kings fall and everyone cried it was too hard. we get WOTM and everyone seems happy for the most part. as far as a true end game activity in terms of length and challenge and the overall feel of "epic" no raid touches kings fall. when oryx appears at the end, you are like "OH ****!!!" and when the fight is over you really feel like you and your team had to put up lots of effort to go with that sense of accomplishment.
With 135 Completions I would say I..... Am Over it ;) Just learn the mechanics. Enjoy!
Can be a fun run, depends on the team. I hate the reward system, literally nothing to play for.
It was probably the most creative, technical one they ever made. Good thing and a bad thing. There is no room for error on the last boss and it's hard to explain to new people. There are some people that flat out don't get it and it can be frustrating. One mistake by anyone spells a wipe. The biggest problem is the quality of gear that dropped. There were no drops that I got excited for. They all sucked in comparison with other raid gear. Overall it was a fine raid, just unraveled at the last boss. In comparison to other raids, it ranks in the bottom 2 along with CE for me. Because they tried to get too cute with the tedious mechanics and the gear from it was horrible.
hate it all mechanics require wipe if not done exactly and if your teammates are retarded you can forget beating oryx
My favorite raid...requires true teamwork. Everyone has a job to do and if one person goes down, the rest of the team has to problem solve quickly. Hard to find a group running it now, though, as you may have found out.
I got burned out on it because of the old loot system. It was amazing the first few times.
Best Raid ever created. Teamwork and objective based, just how I like it and how every Raid should be.
Edited by El-Gatto-Gordo: 1/18/2017 11:23:15 AMI liked the raid up until the final room. After that I just found it tedious because before then the wipe rate was low enough because you could cover someone if they messed up. The problem I had was the final room with all the jumps to the relic. It put so much onus on one player completing all the jumps to get the relic and then platform jumping etc. I spent so much time on the sisters and either someone would fall off a platform, (wipe), or someone would get thrown all around the room by the sisters when doing a slam, (wipe.) It was glitchy and just a poor mechanic that meant that there were just so many wipes. Further to this, the weapon rewards were just a bit lame. I still use the Smite of Merain and Quillim's Terminus but that's about it. The rest were just a bit average - so much so that I barely ever used them, even in the raid that they were designed for. On a good note, the raid had the best looking ship ever, unlike the Wrath of the Machine ship which is just a reskinned version of the first ship you get in the game. Have I done Kings Fall since ROI dropped? - No. I just don't see any point in doing this again. I still do Crota and Vault of Glass for fun but the last two raids have been a bit of a let down for me.
I enjoyed it. I enjoy all the raids and would love to run them more often but there is a bunch of bougie ppl who can't be bothered to run it for fun. I'm always down, normal mode or hard mode.
TTK was for all the veteran guardians a forced character reset all weapon and gear from year one left behind do i need to say anything else?
In my opinion: Kings Fall is the worst of them all. The best one is by far the VOG The easiest one, Crota (Got flawless raider and we were just 3) WotM, well... Not raiding much lately, but when I do with my old clan mates I do have fun. Best gear: Vog and WotM Best weapons: Vog (I wish we could infuse them to the current light lvl) Worst gear: KF Worst weapons:KF (machine gun and sniper not too bad tough) that hand cannon...lol
Did it once just to get it in the book and never return. Never want to return either.
Out of the dozens of times I played King's Fall, only 5 times I didn't get mad at, which includes my most recent playthrough.
Worst of all the raids.
Haven't raided since TKK dropped. KF and WOTM don't have any end game rewards worth raiding for particularly. My opinion entirely, but Bungie's heavy nerf and removal of key weapon archetypes killed the incentive for me. I can grind for light and in game currencies in lots of other fun places outside the raid :)
Dislike it.
Love it