I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Love it
Edited by TheShadow: 1/18/2017 5:36:49 AMIt was a major disappointment knowing Bungie used a lot and I mean a lot of the samethings from VOG and CE. Because of VOG and CE cheese spots Bungie took the fun out of what a raid was meant to be. Not talking about it being challenging or having cheese spots, im talking about having a sense of exploration. It was way to disconnected compared to VOG, lack of incentive especially that first 7 months that gamers complained about it and I'll explain that in a bit. Because of the cheese spots from the previous raids Bungie made kings fall feel like you were always trapped in small dinky rooms fighting the bosses. You were confined to small areas in most of the activity in it and teleporting from one spot to another also cut the sense of exploration which Kf did not have like VOG and even CE had a little bit of that. I ran it a couple times before completing it like most when the raid was released and noticed how many things Bungie used from the other raids that it ruined it for me. All this hype about it and it basically turned out to be a copy and paste of the previous raids. Getting back to when I said the first 7 months was lacking incentive.... -1Flacks, and added grind that could take up to a couple days when the raid was released to collect. It was a pure waste of time especially knowing when you ran the raid you had a higher chance on getting nothing or the same material you used on the chest hoping for a reward. It was actually an insalt for Bungie to even pull some crap like that especially now when you didn't need anything like that when you ran the previous raids. -2 the weapons in this game have been watered down so much that it wasn't even worth my time collecting an weapons from KF. Especially knowing in a matter of time all those weapons would get nerfed to and they didn't work across the entire board like y1 actually did. -3 loot drop rates were so ridiculous that when it first released if you compare the other two raids to running Kf. The other raids id say majority ran them maybe 50 times to collect all the rewards, not everyone was lucky but running Kf most had to run it 80 times or more to collect the loot. -4 making it a sniper raid that you were only allowed to used a couple different weapons. VOG and CE you were allowed to use a variety of weapons. The problem was snipers were droping more in the taking king then anything else that it was pathetic as a reward. As far as what I mean that it was a copy and paste, was talking about how Bungie used a lot of the samethings from the previous raids. I'm just going to use a few of the many they used. -1 VOG, disappearing platforms jump puzzle. Kf, disappearing ships jump puzzle -2 CE, death singer. Kf, sisters. -3 VOG, teleporting to shoot oracles, come out shoot Atheon. Kf, teleporting to shoot mini Oryx, come out shoot Oryx. -4 CE, kill the night carrying the sword use it the bring Crota down.. Kf, kill the night, jump in shield shoot Oryx. There are many other things Bungie used that was a major disappointment because of the... Lack of imagination on exploring new ideas and the lack of effort of using different things other then from the previous raids killed it for me. The only unique thing about Kings fall was the swinging platforms when you first entered the raid. I thought to myself the first time running it that this was going to be fun. After them swinging platform the rest of raid was boring because there were no other unique things about it. The only thing that made that raid a challenge was at the end. The rest of it was basic. Bungie spent too much time worried about cheese spots than actually making a raid.
Edited by chickengoujohn93: 1/18/2017 9:55:39 AMGreat Raid. By far the superior Raid. I think the only reason people dislike it (other than the crap weapons for the most part) was when time went on, people got seriously disgruntled with any dead weight that may have ended up in their fireteam, especially LFGed groups. It only took one person to turn a Kings Fall run to shit. Usually as time went on Raid runs should become quicker and become clockwork, so to speak... With Kings Fall that really didn't happen. The blind run for that was the best thing I experienced in Destiny and maybe gaming in general. I never understood the dislike for "standing in one spot shooting", its been exactly what we have been doing for every Raid... Oracles: Snipe from up top Templar: Snipe from up top/gather at the right Atheon: go to the middle Crota: Shoot Rockets from a ledge Vosik: Gather up at middle Aksis: drop everything and shoot on the spot/sword him
I did say at the end of year 2 that I would be glad to see the back of the Kings fall raid, but after doing the wrath of the machine I think I prefer it
It's a good raid but after 50 heroic clears it's kind of dull.
For one, Oryx was just like Aksis- inexplicably impossible for 6 people to work correctly, and people ragequit out quickly.
Piss on it
I liked it but loot-wise it was so frustrating.
a) Bad teams on LFG. King's Fall essentially requires everyone to do their job if one person messes up then chances are its a wipe. Players on LFG aren't exactly known for patience so they kicked anyone who couldn't handle their job. Plenty of players are either salty about being kicked from a raid or salty from the number of bad teams they've tried to raid with. b) Weapons. King's Fall was the first Raid following Bungie's decision to do away with Elemental primaries. This resulted in a lot of players being disappointed with the loot and raid overall.
Never done it as no team to raid with
Edited by SickChocThunder: 1/18/2017 10:09:00 AMHaven't played it in ages Wasted far too much time going round in circles cos people can't follow simple mechanics #yawn
Probably because it is the only raid where everyone on the fireteam has to work together, especially on Oryx, all it takes is for one person to mess up and the whole team wipes. Combine that with LFG and you have your answer. Personally, it is my favourite raid but this is only true when there is a good team, if not you can spend the whole day trying to grind out a win on a raid that can be completed in under an hour
Edited by PattyDog84: 1/18/2017 9:07:09 AMI loved it to start with however after a million wipes cos one bloody bloke doesn't understand the mechanics, it gets old. Really old. I hate that bloody raid.
The problem was that the rewards were very hit and miss (1 away from max light and you get min light gear) and if 1 person made a mistake it was a wipe most of the time. The primaries were terrible, the shotgun and fusion were terrible. Etc.
It was a fun raid but like other posters have said too much emphasis on mechanics after you been through 3 -4 times it wears thin.
Make a poll
It for sure is a fun raid and I thought it was very challenging and epic. The issue is that it was so mechanic focused that made it tedious as hell. LFG struggled if there was even only one person who kept messing up. Pre made teams could never do the raid faster simply because you have the time doing mechanics.
I actually liked the mechanic heavy Kings fall. In some ways that made it too easy though. Still my favorite raid though.
Kings fall was ok, but for me it got boring very quickly after the ship jumping bit. Very mechanic orientated and all shoot stuff everyone stand in here,shoot stuff everyone stand here and again and again etc etc. Try the vault of glass raid. Nostalgia may have an influence but to me it's the better raid, the feel,the atmosphere,it has, it feels like a raid. Crota used to be (still is) alot of fun even though now it's more like a strike. Wotm is ok, but even the first time doing it it had the feel of ' I have been here before' . it also gets boring really quickly, and apart from the siege engine it's very nearly the same mechanic all the way through. Give them all a try though,with the right people you will have fun.
If you get smite of merain pulse with firefly keep it. Ive been using mine again in strikes and it goes through taken bosses and mobs so quik its become part of my main loadout. Good raid kf is but the weapon selection was a little bit of a let down.
The best raid they have made
I personally think it's a good raid, especially the first time you're trying with your Raid team to figure it out, and it has some surprises. It has the best lore of any of the raids in Destiny; has lots of lore on the Hive and Oryx and the connection to The Dark Below. Having said that, the issue people have, is that it is very reliant upon the whole team being in one spot to shoot the boss your trying to kill. It's stale on movement. Warpriest makes the team huddle together to shoot him while one player is killing ads. Golgorath, similar. Sisters are the same, every one get together to do DPS at the same time. The final Oryx fight is a bit better. But every raid has its plus and minuses. VoG was great at its puzzles and working as a moving team to defeat each stage, but really didn't fit the story or lore of the game. Bungie tried hard to fix that with later quests and story missions, and mildly succeeded. Crota's End was and still is the easiest raid to cheese. It's a piece of cake to solo these days. And it's mechanics are ultra simple. But in its prime, if you had beaten hard mode multiple times it was an accomplishment. Kings Fall was a great lore Raid, amazing scenery like VoG, but as I said above was very heavy on one location mechanics. Wrath of the Machine is not the longest raid, and the lore is odd in my opinion, but the team dynamics necessary to beat it are similar to VoG. You have to communicate and work as an active moving team to finish, and that is desired by a lot of players. So, all in all, four raids each a bit different flavor.
Most of the weapons were underwhelming. If your a year one player. Your set standard for a "raid" weapon is unfortunately much higher. For example year one raid weapons had much better perk rolls and were elemental, they felt more special when you got them. Like Fatebringer, VoC, or Oversoul Edict to name a few. The weapons in KF are bad ass looking though I give them that. I got the pulse rifle with firefly.
People dislike Kings Fall for many reasons, but the most popular and often without thought was VoG apparently was a better raid. But as a year 1 player, KF raid weapons had nothing to offer, their stats were mediocre and that Auto Rifle has to be the worst weapon I've ever used in Destiny. I liked KF because it required a team, unlike VoG where a lot of lazy players (via LFG) would often run straight into danger and die and happily sit there being carried. In Crota's End, most of the fight was done by one player. And the end fight was mainly focused around one player. KF was all about team work, communication, timing and precision. I know it was very stale in terms of weapon variety and it made you stand still, but apart from Skolas, which other end game activity had you communicate and perform mechanics like that? None.
Most people are just burnt out on it. It was the only relevant raid for an entire year... and weapons are terrible performance wise. Only good gun is QT.
I moved right after Kings Fall was current. The only Internet I could get in that area was not raid worthy. By time I moved and got descent Internet it was past its prime. I would still like to beat it one day for the achievement. But from what I've heard and read I'm didn't miss out on much more than a stress induced headache.