I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Better than Wrath of the Machines
I feel like King's Fall is portrayed as the most disliked raid because of how hard it was for some people to do. It required a ton of teamwork and communication since it was very mechanic-focused, meaning lfg's were more strict and groups were harder to find if you weren't skilled enough or a high enough light level. Also the gear was hideous in some eyes, though I personally adored all of them (well, except for the hunter set, imo). Even after all this, I still found enjoyment in this raid. It was a whole different experience compared to Vault of Glass and Crota's End, which I really liked. I made some new friends and spent a lot of time min-maxing my gear. It was a great time to play (though the months afterward were excruciating), and I'm planning to run it along with the other raids again and again during the summer to experience them all again. I'm glad you enjoyed your first run through King's Fall, and if you haven't already, try out the other raids, they're a ton of fun and I'm sure you'll enjoy those as well, so long as you find a fun laid-back group to play with. Happy raiding Guardian!!!
Edited by karynm918: 1/18/2017 3:23:31 AMThe Harrowed King s Fall gear for the titan is the best The Smite of Merain pulse rifle is the best primary The Defiance of Yasmin is the best special and Harrowed Silence of A arn The Harrowed Elulims Frenzy is the best Rocket Laucher in year 2 and the Harrowed Quillims Terminus is the best Heavy
King's what? What's that? [spoiler]bad sarcasm levels are off the charts captain![/spoiler]
Edited by NYDIBS: 1/18/2017 3:17:38 AMIt was boring and the gear sucked It wasn't difficult but it was never fun. Not that the new raid is any better, but at least the gear is somewhat cool
Love it. But it's hard to get a team
Because the gear is actually hideous along with the weapons, the raid takes forever, the drops are atrocious, and as a it just isn't fun. Oryx takes what feels like half an hour a run and one tiny slip-up and it's all over. There's a difference between being challenging and having no room for error. You know it's a bad raid when the following raid is marketed as actually being fun and theme is "collision" aka blowing stuff up. We play video games for fun. And if you don't have fun, you're doing it wrong. Take out your copy of destiny, and go play something else.
Kings Fall is where raids are at there best and their worst. The worst weapons. But it rewarded hardcore players that learned the raid inside out, but punished casuals. It had the best art design and lore, but the fact that it was just a Hive raid with Taken sprinkled in ruined the uniqueness of The TAKEN King.
It's ok.
Edited by HiddenWarrior: 1/18/2017 3:02:47 AMLeast favorite raid. Too mechanically complex to finish with randoms or newbies consistently. In VoG, WotM or CE, if one or two people die, you can easily power through if you're good enough as a player (you can easily solo the entirety of CE as a matter of fact.) But KF has too many instances of having to wipe if just one person messes up. Makes the raid more frustrating. It also does not help that the gear sucks.
Edited by Swiftlock: 1/18/2017 3:05:14 AMIf you had a competent raid team, King's Fall was great. If you DIDN'T have a competent raid team, King's Fall was rough. Depends on how you look at it. The loot system wasn't that great and a lot of the weapons just ended up being infusion fuel. Only very few of them were worth using like Quillum's, Yasmin, or Smite. That doesn't lend itself well to a highly technical raid when you have to grind it many, many times to find the items you're looking for.
Loved it too. Anyone who cant jump, snipe, or understand the concept of 'left and right' and 'counterclockwise' usually hate it lol
My absolute favorite raid.
Love 2nd fav raid after VoG
Still rocking the quilliams terminus. Love that MG.
I found that gear to be quite ugly, save for maybe the Titan and Hunter gauntlets. The Crota's End gear was the best all around, in my opinion. The Titan helmet was the only stand out ugly duckling. VoG gear too was rough. I genuinely feel people only claim to have loved it because of how difficult it was to obtain, and how much of a difference in level the gear meant back then. I did really like the Warlock chest piece. That's literally it, though.
Don't know I like it
It's a great raid and very challenging,they really upped the mechanics for it compared to the previous 2 raids which promoted almost flawless teamwork.Glad alot of PvP players made a stink about it since they couldn't hack it in most cases and were the main complainers of it when they announced Y2 MoT. The weapons were sub-par besides ToM and the MG.To bad they took the fun out when they made ToM consume the BoL overshield right away.
love it. super fun to run once you got it down, and the rewards were sweet since then it was a little harder to gain light level, but after the april update now raids arent even needed to get to 400. i got all 3 characters to 400 by running nightfalls and playing crucible.
I loved it
Eliminate the dick wall and let you pick who is torn on Daughters like Oryx, it would be perfect. Favorite raid by far until ToM got nerfed, WoTM sucks arse, especially with randoms.
One word: Cocoon
It was the only relevant raid for an entire year. Triple rng on drops plus required fire teams to have nearly flawless runs on certain parts to complete. Top that with mostly lackluster weapons and you see why a lot of players don't have overly fond memories of it.
The guns. Horrible weapons compared to the 2 previous raids (Crota and VOG). And it took just a little bit too long. Bungee could have completely eliminated the very first part of that raid and just started with the jumping puzzle. Would shave 10-15 unnecessary minutes off that raid. Other than those 2 things I agree it was a great raid.
I loved it for a while, it just got old real quick. I still love VoG though, I don't even know specifically why but I never get tired of that raid.