I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Too mechanic filled and long but very fun to complete. Corta had too few mechanics and was too short but vog and wotm are both perfect
Love it.
It was sloppy. I feel like they sacrificed good (my opinion) mechanic design to make it longer and more grandiose. Still better than Crota.
Loved it. Do your job = easy. Simple formula that could be really tough to execute.
It's aight.
Kings Fall is by far the longest, and worst raid ever.
Worst. Raid. Ever.
Edited by Qeylis: 1/19/2017 2:41:06 PMI'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't want to talk you out of being happy, so I'll just say that I didn't enjoy it. I think Crota is better, and by a very large margin (which means that the Vault is thousands of times better than KF, because Vault is much better than Crota). But if you enjoyed it, perhaps it was made for you. Maybe you are the target audience. I don't use guns because they look cool, I use them because they kill Guardians. KF guns don't really kill Guardians very well. Come to think of it, they don't really do much against the Darkness either, and never really did. So, most boring raid, and worst weapon drops for a raid in any game that has raids. That's why most of us don't like it. But, someone has to like it, and I guess that's you. [spoiler]I guess I couldn't leave it alone, sorry. It's just that this raid is so bad that it irks me.[/spoiler]
a year ago I loved it. now? couldn't pay me to go back in there! LOL
Hate it. If I had to rank raids it would be 1. Vog 2. Crota 3. Wrath 106. Kings fall I completely realize Wrath of the machine is probably the best raid they have ever made. my ranking has more to do with how the game felt at the time. With Vault of Glass and crota so many people were on and there was so much optimism about the game. So much of that went away when kings fall came out
1 Vog 2 WotM 3 Crota 4 Oryx
Same as all raids apart from vault of glass do it too many times it gets old quick. Jumping puzzle, boss fight, maze, boss fight, jumping puzzle, mini boss, boss fight done
I need to do it more, I liked it,but I always use lfg and that particular raid was very tough to do with randoms,at least when I was running it.
I still haven't even played it yet lol
Love that raid, its a really easy to do raid if you have the fireteam informed and ready to execute. Many people hate it as it requires much of everyone attention and coordination, something Ive seen people complain about... I dont know why.
Easily my favorite. Good length, mechanics, and pacing. It's also the first raid to truly require everyone to know what they are doing and participate. To me, kings fall set the standard that future raids should follow.
I absolutely love it matter of fact my favorite raid boss encounter in Destiny is Golgoroth. The music is intense,lots of ads, and it's just an awesome fight!
For 2 reasons. 1. It's got [b]way[/b] to many bosses. It has 1 enemy/puzzle encounter and after that 4 boss encounters with nothing in between. It's not a lot of fun to constantly be pressured by boss fights. 2. Those 4 boss fights are all incredibly mechanic heavy. The Warpriest is realistically the only boss in King's Fall that can be defeated without all 6 members. Golgoroth has too much health to lose DPS from even one person. The Daughters and Oryx have incredibly complex mechanics that require the entire team to be alive for. If lose even one person, especially on heroic mode, it may as well be an immediate wipe. In every other raid you can lose a person and still have hope to 5 man the encounter.
Meh, I guess. I was a Christmas noob (2014). VOG and Crota were a thing. I became a part of a great clan that was small enough that you knew everyone, but big enough and active enough that everyone was on frequently - especially every Tuesday reset and Friday Xur day. Back then, drops for Ghorn, Hawkmoon, Vex Mytho, etc., were amazing experiences and raid weapons like Fatebringer, Black Hammer, etc., were similarly great. Weapons in King's Fall were nothing compared to VOG and Crota, and it took some of the fun out of the raid. Why raid if the loot was crap? Then PVP became a bigger thing when trials came out with House of Wolves and "balancing" began ruining some of the fun in PVE. Clan members started dropping off by HoW, and by TTK, they were almost all gone. There were two guys that I still played with, but we had to supplement every King's Fall raid with another three. Therein lies part of the problem - King's Fall required 6 people to be on their game. If one person died, it was a wipe. If one person missed an assignment or didn't do enough DPS on a sister, for example, it was a wipe. LFG just wasn't cutting it. We associated with another good group of players, but it was just never the same. Additionally, I have [u]always[/u] disliked the Taken, and I was bored with the hive. Honestly, it took me 84 Crota hard modes to get the Crux to drop just to get the masterpiece (facepalm) that is Necrochasm. - I didn't want to see any more thrall. Now, I am just burned out with raiding I guess. I've only done the Iron thingy a couple of times. I would like to get into it more, but I haven't found a good group like the one I hung with before. And, quite frankly, I haven't committed to one, because I can't make the same time commitment to the game that I used to in 2014-2015. So at the end of the day...it's me, not the raid. From best to least: VOG, Iron thingy, TTK then Crota.
Still haven't done kings fall or wotm. When I can be bothered I'll jump in. Had way too many lfg people be ridiculously nasty just because I've yet to do it.
People just couldn't deal with the strict mechanics of the game, mostly having to stay alive while controlling a plate/zone. If you could just run around to stay alive it would be easier that's why bungie added those mechanics to "artificially" add difficulty. Also people were to quick to wipe, I've done totems with 4 people and it was lfg (before roi) It's all about communication. I personally enjoyed the raid my biggest problem was with lag, and an op tomb ship. What ll were you when you finished it the first time?
Did kings fall a few times back in year 2, even did it once this year for throwback purposes. Then you got all the nerds who cant do Heroic mode for Wrath of the Machine.
[i] I mean, I'd call it the wrath of the machine.....it's literally all mechanics....that's not a true challenge....and the weapons....they're not raid weapons...they have terrible perks and the only reason to use them would be for infusion...[/i]
Found it about the same as the others to be honest. If you had a good bunch it was easy, if not it was relentless. I remember in VOG the Confluxes were always a bit tricky if the team were a little under par. I have still never done ROTM though? Kind of gave it a go a couple of times when it first came out through LFG as my team were on other games and the usual story of hit and miss. I didn't have the drive this time and just didn't bother after that. Shame as my usual team got together first time we did VOG and did everything from then.
1. Stand here 2. Shoot at this while standing exactly here 3. Repeat step one 4. Repeat step two 5. Game glitches 6. Restart at beginning of the boss you're up to 7. Stand here 8. Shoot at this while standing exactly here 9. Repeat step seven 10. Repeat step eight 11. Game glitches Etc
Destroyed that raid many times.