I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
I liked it, a lot of mechanics seemed more fun than just kill a lot of ads like wotm, some of it has to do with the era I played the most Destiny which probably is a factor for everyone
I think the Golgoroth and Warpriest sections of the raid were well done. They struck a good balance between mechanics and shooter. They kept moving and there was a slight degree of chance as to who would get the green glow for Golgoroth or who would take over the aura if someone died at warpriest. The sisters portion was fine albeit a bit frustrating trying to get the whole team to damage them while you're practically blind and they're dancing around like an epileptic fish out of water. Oryx on the other hand was too long, overly technical, not terribly action packed and very unforgiving if you made a mistake. Add the requirement for a long quest item gun that was useless everywhere else in the game (touch of malice) and it was too much.
The majority don't hate it. It was extremely well received. So much so that it lasted a whole year without new raids or significant content drops like we saw in year one. Kings Fall is a great raid.
The Harrowed King s Fall Raid gear for the titan is the best the Smite of Merain is the best primary the Defiance of Yasmin is the best special and the Silence of Aaran The Qullims Terminus and the Elulims Frenzy is the best Heavy weapons
It was different and more challenging because timing was tighter. Probably the toughest was the Sisters because it's random who gets torn. And if the torn person can't platform well (I'm not a good platformer), then you have very little time to kill the sister before time runs out. Doing Oryx in challenge mode used to be pretty straight forward if you had at least 1 Defender Titan (with Blessing) bubble. Then two of you in the middle use your Touch Of Malices and dip in and out of the bubble to melt the ogres in their tracks without reloading. When we did it with 2 Titans defenders with ToM using both Weapons and Blessing bubbles, the ogres never got off their knees and all the black orb bombs were in a nice tidy pile. That (using the blessing shield instead of your life force with ToM) was removed when WOTM dropped, which means the middle people need to use other weapons to kill the 4 ogres. Not insurmountable, but it makes it tougher than it was before. Probably have to use grenades, Sleeper Simulant / Gjalhorn and a high impact sniper instead.
Sucked. Emptied the servers.
I loved it I thought it was a fun time and I have many great laughs at it
For me it's how the mechanics make it so you have to take a certain amount of time on each encounter, and at that point it's normally half past to long
Last week I tried to do the Oryx challenge with some friends who have never completed it before and we made to detonation round and it only got him down to quarter health. Worst part was even on the death screen it said we detonated all the blights.
Worst raid, hardest in my experience. Mechanics based bull, mess up once you wipe.
Edited by PandaEatinHuman: 1/19/2017 4:19:29 AMJust takes way too much time and you can be like the best raid group of all mankind and still mess up on Oryx for hours. It's basically Advanced Raiding.
It was my second favorite behind vault of glass. Much more fun than wrath of the machine imo
Edited by Jorb: 1/19/2017 3:27:31 AMI like it because it requires everyone actually do something (much more than the other raids), the gear looks great and Oryx's lore is awesome. It feels more like raids in actual mmos
I play destiny to be a badass space soldier. Not the remains of a space whale on two legs.
I like it. The reason is, you know who messed up and can organize from there if needed after a wipe, and I enjoy the precision required. It honestly gave me a better sense of achievement to complete this raid and it's challenge modes than anything else in this game. It's also probably the only raid I won't forget the steps to, as I've done it too often.
I hate the Hive, and once you've seen one part of the dreadnought, you've seen it all. The only part of KF that I liked was the jumping puzzle (I love that kind of stuff).
Always loved it favourite raid, if you're looking to run it regularly give us a shout I'd like to do it again.
Most people hate it because you can be 100% throughout the whole raid, but it takes one person to mess up their specific role to ruin it.
Loved the machine gun, the war priest & golgoroth fight, everything else was kinda bleh.
I really enjoyed King's Fall. I have 200+ completions and still hop in there and play through it. Wrath of the Machine, on the other hand, I have 20 something completions and after my first Aksis challenge completion I didn't care to ever play it again. It always felt like we only ever failed to player stupidity, not mechanics or difficulty. King's Fall could be forgiven due to the number of things you had to commit to memory or strategies. Whereas Wrath of the Machine is very straight forward. Don't get me wrong, I still think Wrath of the Machine is one of the best raids they've made, as far as action and inclusiveness are concerned. You aren't pressured in to "must have" scenarios with weapons and it's relatively short. It reminds me of an easier VoG without the dumb and very drawn out Oracles encounter. I loved Vault of Glass. I just wish it was more popular to play.
Edited by championkiller: 1/19/2017 2:40:43 AMFor many reason, the entire raid is much more difficult at the actual light it was intended for. The raid difficulty gets ridiculously more difficult with even 1 person down(very punishing). So it meant you couldn't bring/backpack some of your lesser skilled friends through it because they would die and you would wipe. The mechanics were pretty good, but again relied on almost the entire team to know all of the jobs so you could switch on the fly(back for pug's). VOG just needed 1 good relic holder and you could carry just about anyone through, Crota you just needed a sword bearer, a warlock and a damn tracking rocket. So very few people actually completed...it was around 5% of the entire destiny population had actually beaten hard mode before the light increase. I completed about 100 times at 320 light, but it was a struggle with pug's everytime. It took a lot of groups 3-5 hours to complete, a good run for my team was about 40-45 minutes, but the wipes for uncoordinated or pug was very time intensive
I liked kings fall. I didn't like people who die for no reason all the time, and people who don't understand "counterclockwise". I didn't even play King's Fall for the entirety of year 2, only the last few months of it, and I still got tired of doing it. In fact, I've already gotten tired of doing Wrath of the Machine, which is also a good raid. In both cases it's not the raid that's tiring, it's people on lfg who suck that get tiring.
I wasn't a taken king toot but I started about 4months before then, I didn't have any friends and getting to a level higher than 26 or 29 proved difficult. After taken king, I found my own raid team consisting of two cousins, two brother and a random Canadian who now I speak to every now and then. It's a brilliant raid, when it first come out, that first run through, we got to war priest with these other guys who had already done it several times, but because of low light I think I about 298/9 and my cousins were abut lower we could put enough dps, so we waited, did it again and again and again. When hardmode came out we also waited on that till out touch of malices were 320 with other gear. That raid is a raid that will either break a team or push you and your team further, really, I liked it more than the new one, which is a shame to say really. I never had the helmet from that raid either :( Add me on Xbox or PS4 and I'll run raids with you, same name on both.
What made sisters and oryx hard was uneducated people (I mean basic elementary school education). When someone doesn't understand counterclockwise...I'm surprised they have survived through life this far. Kids I get it ..adults...Seriously?
If it wasn't such a boss rush I would have liked it more.
I always thought it was a pretty good raid. Probably the second best out of the 4.