I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Edited by EventHorizon_16: 1/18/2017 7:58:53 PMI liked it a lot, probably my favorite. Feels like a proper raid. The other ones have good elements, but I think KF is the best beginning to end. Yes, it is the hardest and the least forgiving. But that's what a raid should be. We don't need dumbed down raids like they did to the NFs.
Fun till oryx. That's when friends become enemies.
Worst raid by far. Too much jumping.
I love it but haven't done it since the ToM nerf. I just loved playing Titan in the middle and was happy to run it to get to that. What light does gear drop at these days on hard? I keep meaning to do it again but it can take so long sometimes.
my favorite raids in order of favorite first crota - Kings fall - VoG - WotM. I'm old and slow and these seemed easier and more social for me. Really proud of beating Oryx Challenge on HM. First time i had to really pull my weight. :)
Love it. I know 260's who do better than 400's. Not only is Kings fall more fun than WoTM, but since it is more heavily mechanics based, the,whole team has to know what to do and it shows more skill. Only raid that I like better is VoG, but Kings Fall is definitely close. I like ships, the intro, sisters, Golgoroth, and warpriest. Wrath of the mach9ne is ok, but tbh I only enjoy doing monitors for fun and siege engine.
Not the best but it's amazing. Oryx just seemed there. Not really a threat
I got the scout rifle, I'm happy!
Too Technical personally, like too many mechanics in each part.
I love Kingsfall. Still my favorite
still never played it lol
I'm fine with kings fall its just everything leading up to oryx is bland I mean golgaroth had i cool concept but there's no point in doing six man orbs unless you're doing challenge and the sisters and oryx are pretty boring the raid it self is pretty boring after you do it a couple times
I enjoyed it, but I don't know if it's say I loved it. The raid required a bit too much coordination, so if you run with lfg group, a single weak link could make the whole thing almost impossible.
My second favorite raid behind VOG. Although I know a lot of people hated it because they are potatoes.
It's either boring or I hate the hive idk which
Because if people didn't know what to do or just couldn't get it then there was little to no chance at beating it on hard mode i ran that raid multiple times and only beat it a few runs for that reason the team would get to oryx with no problem than BAM we'd hit a wall
Hate it
It's abit too long imo, and nothing but bosses aside from totems, I do love the scope of it though, especially when you first see all the ships flying around. Really gives a perspective on what you're standing on - a massive ship in space, not an underground tunnel
Edited by EdeTheGod: 1/18/2017 8:53:11 PMIt's the most epic raid but it can take ages to complete. If it's not working out at the totems (which can be extremely glitchy-brand not passing etc.) it's going to be a long haul. KF is the most Warlock-unfriendly raid as well. Oh the Tombship jumping memories...urghh.
Edited by SirDiesAlot: 1/18/2017 9:11:05 PMI didn't realize there was so much dislike... the weapons are crap, though. Never used a single one except for the machine gun, and mostly because of the cocoon perk. For KF, I was also lucky. I fell into a great raid team, and we ran that sucker quite a bit. KF also saw the intro to challenge modes, which was cool. I thought the challenge modes weren't all that challenging, though. Golgy was the most difficult out of the 3, and that was cake if you had 6 people that knew the strat. I find WotM (Aksis), to be much more difficult, but I've also scaled back my playtime these days. The challenge modes (more Aksis) are WAY more challenging that KF. You can also get bogged down at Oryx. Oryx was more of a "you either get it or you don't" type of encounter. It took a good couple weeks for me to learn and get acclimated to that encounter. Also, unlike what some are saying, you can have one person die and still have a chance to make it through. It gets really frantic, but it's possible. IIRC, Crota was way buggier than KF.
I loved it at first, but it quickly got boring. Maybe it would be fun now after such a long break
The raid is a lot of fun to play. I don't care for the look of the guns or armor, except for the warlock's gear, that looks sweet! A lot of my buddies stopped playing this game early on in the TK expansion. So having to deal with a lot of LFG groups, it can be extremely frustrating when the raid is so heavily mechanical. There are those out there that chose to not communicate and some that can't grasp your explanation of the mechanics. That can lead to endless wiping...
For the difficulty yes The raid in general no.
Edited by LxGhostSniperxL: 1/18/2017 8:39:00 PMMechanics wise and aesthetically it is the best raid. It fits into the story and lore nicely and has a satisfying conclusion. You have a goal, to kill Oryx, so you go into his dimension, kill his family and minions, and then take on the King himself. The bosses are unique and interesting and loot is frequent. The only complaints are that the weapons are garbage and the armor is ugly. Also, the grind was way too much originally and Bungie really drew out and milked the raid for so long that everyone got sick of it.
The guns were garbage