I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
People dislike Kings Fall for many reasons, but the most popular and often without thought was VoG apparently was a better raid. But as a year 1 player, KF raid weapons had nothing to offer, their stats were mediocre and that Auto Rifle has to be the worst weapon I've ever used in Destiny. I liked KF because it required a team, unlike VoG where a lot of lazy players (via LFG) would often run straight into danger and die and happily sit there being carried. In Crota's End, most of the fight was done by one player. And the end fight was mainly focused around one player. KF was all about team work, communication, timing and precision. I know it was very stale in terms of weapon variety and it made you stand still, but apart from Skolas, which other end game activity had you communicate and perform mechanics like that? None.