I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Oryx was way to heavy on mechanics, one weak link and its constant wipes. During one raid at oryx we had a full fire team, one guy kept screwing up ( probably never done the raid and had no mic or just didn't talk) and I mean we have him a chance. So about 20 wipes later he either left/got kicked or disconnected as we started the run. That same run we completed oryx with challenge with only a 5 man fire team. When something requires you to complete with everyone pulling their weight it becomes a nightmare especially with lfg. People that had their own group would have way less issues. So to me kings fall I found fun for about 3-5 runs then it became a chore.