VoG might be the least rewarding, if you ask me.
Took me 18 months to get the Foil and the Timepiece. I also know people who have never gotten a Fatebringer and they've been playing since day one.
Doesn't sound very rewarding to me.
But then again, neither is trying to get a Crux of Crota, so there you have it.
If you wanna talk rewarding then WotM is the most rewarding raid in Destiny.
Do 2 runs on normal, 2 on hard, open a few chests and all the guns are yours. No reason to ever do it again (thankfully).
The problem with KF was that only two guns were ever worth having (the pulse and the sniper), but luckily they were't hard to obtain.
That depends how you look at it sure the drop rates in vog were ridiculous but a fatebringer is better than all of these new raid weapons combined.
Edited by Masko: 1/18/2017 7:19:06 AM"Used to be" better... There I fixed it for you ;) But seriously, a Fatebringer in Y3 would be considered mediocre if not terrible going by the stats it has. The vendor Palindrome shits all over it in sheer hand cannon stats and power. For my money the Outbreak Prime is king now.