In my opinion:
Kings Fall is the worst of them all.
The best one is by far the VOG
The easiest one, Crota (Got flawless raider and we were just 3)
WotM, well... Not raiding much lately, but when I do with my old clan mates I do have fun.
Best gear: Vog and WotM
Best weapons: Vog (I wish we could infuse them to the current light lvl)
Worst gear: KF
Worst weapons:KF (machine gun and sniper not too bad tough) that hand
Worst weapon: KF auto rifle. Unless it's been buffed as much as fusions have been nerfed, the anguish of drystan can hardly be considered a weapon. The accuracy/stability? If you were lucky, the first shot went where you were aiming. The rest went everywhere except where you were aiming.
Eheh... Yeah