I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
The few (actually like 5-6) times I decided to try and get it done I either ended up in a bad team or one in which after getting to Warpriest a player would have to leave when real life reared its head, then bad off player throws off chemistry and others give up, so on and so forth. Every. Single. Time. I want to get a group that knows it well and is patient to get it knocked out at least once, but really want the grimoire for ToM also. Same goes for WotM. Only done it twice and both times guys have to leave once we're at Aksis, and my first time it was going fairly smooth, and we had all the monitors to kick off Outbreak Prime quest. I don't think anyone died at all up to Aksis aside from missing a jump going through the wall their first time, but after 2-3 wipes at Aksis, 1 guy bails, then another, then I'm hungry and/or ready for Netflix... and [i]chilling.[/i] If there's anybody in this thread interested in helping out a vet who wants to get these raids done, by all means if you're on PS4 add me. Gamer tag is Waynard1724.