I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
If i had to rank the raids it'd probably go as follows. 1. Vault of glass My first raid ever. I don't think the feeling of completing it for the first time can be duplicated. It's a no brainer #1 in my opinion. 2. Wrath of the machine Just really started running wotm after hooking up with a good crew. Love the gear from it almost as much as vog...almost. Really fun. 3. Crota Good raid from front to back. Only reason its #3 is from the "kicked for no g-horn" epidemic that run rampant with this raid. 4. Kings fall My least favorite. Not because it isn't fun or challenging. Just so many futile attempts with horrible team members, so many trys ended in rage quits and shit talking (by everyone) that i just gave up and stopped tryin.