I dislike King's Fall because I find the mechanics to be tedious and boring. For me, the high point of the whole thing is Totems; everyone needs to know the mechanics and participate, and the gunplay is constant. Too much 'stand around, then shoot, rinse and repeat' after that.
No joke, there was one occasion where I was starting to nod off during the Oryx fight. That shit is boring for everyone that isn't running relic.
Yeah and VoG is so fun, right? Shooting vex while defending a conflux, and you do that for, like, 5 hours. So fun.
5 hours on VoG?!? What are you, casul?
Confluxes and oracles sure feel like 5 hours not because the team wipes, but because it's so boring and all you do is shoot enemies and it takes forever to go to the next wave of enemies. Hate that raid.
*cough* king's fall *cough*
Yeah? Where? You shoot enemies but then you do other stuff, like stepping on plates, aura holder, gaze, relic, etc. at confluxes and oracles ALL you do is shoot enemies!
LMAO, 5 hours!?
So much this. Add the overdone jumping parts of Kings Fall, and you have the raid I hate the most.