And you'll never get my respect with that playtime, damn get some sun kid
[quote]And you'll never get my respect with that playtime, damn get some sun kid[/quote] Let's use numbers to illustrate a point, the op when rounding them of course has about 90 days of playtime. That's 2160 hours. Lets say he's been playing since launch which was Sept 9, 2014, that's 861 days. He's averaging around 2-3 hours a day. How is that no sun kid lol, sounds like constitiency to me.
Ur trash. Git gud
not my fault you can't manage your time, kid. also, jelly?
why would you think its the worst? the area looked great, the mechanics were challenging, the lore was thrilling. the gear -just like what the author of this post mentioned- looked great-ish. (preferred crota's for my hunter.) so, why the hate?
Why do you think it was acceptable t have xx's in your gamertag
my gamer tag is not the argument i was trying to have with you. and it's none of your business. but if it cures your itch i was 13 when i made it, if psn had a name change, i'd gladly pay to change it.
Change ur gamertag kid. You'll never get any respect with that shit
Edited by Skitzie: 1/18/2017 4:44:29 PMdon't need respect from a child that's salty about a person's gamer tag. too bad you don't have a counter argument about the topic in hand (: