No one likes it because it took way too long and had several bugs which weren't admitted to by Bungie until way too late. These bugs cause us to spend way more time in there than was intended. When they fixed the buggy ogres we beat it no issue.
Also, it had to be grinded endlessly for shitty weapons, shitty gear and crappy rng.
Personally. I like it. I like all the raids aside from CROTA which was a disaster.
Um...just no. Buggy ogres were a minor issue...which only occurred very occasionally. You just weren't all that good I assume.
Yes. I am not good. At a six man raid. I was the problem. You're right. There was no problem.
Edited by Wheelaa1: 1/18/2017 4:45:24 PMClearly there was a problem....for you did say "it took way too long and had several bugs which weren't admitted to by Bungie until way too late. These bugs cause us to spend way more time in there than was intended. When they fixed the buggy ogres we beat it no issue." I'm just pointing out that there were very few wipe inducing design/mechanic bugs in KF....connection based bugs sure...but the core raid was very solid indeed.
There were very few wipe mechanics in KF?! Hahahahaha ok buddy.
Edited by Wheelaa1: 1/18/2017 5:12:26 PMNo.... I said "very few wipe inducing design/mechanic [b]bugs [/b]in KF". NOT the same as saying "very few wipe mechanics". Although there weren't many of them either...every part could be 5 manned with ease, most parts could be easily 4 manned if the team know how to adapt on the fly. But hey, carry on blaming non-existant bugs for your ineptitude....
Ya know. All you are is a keyboard warrior. Trying to make some one else look bad over the Internet. You have 151 KF completions. I can see how your social skills could be lacking.
Trying to make you look've done that well enough yourself. Just pointing out BS when I see it...not my fault you're such an easy target in that regard...but you are right, I shouldn't stoop that low....poor timmy...
What the hell are you even talking about?
Whatever guy
Lol...sums you up really. Get back to calling people kids...that's just about the loftiest you can reach for...
When have I called some one a kid?
Edited by Wheelaa1: 1/18/2017 5:24:39 PMYou're right...saying "I think you have the mentality of a child" isn't calling someone a kid. Been fun, got to split sadly, as I would love to continue to see you dig. Message me if you wanna raid sometime....
Oh that. Well between you and he I really can't decide who's the more childish. Probably he. You've just got some foggy glasses. Hopefully you see the world in a different light in time.
actually, the bugs were manageable. the gear was alright, the weapons were new and looked cool. not effective in anyway it sucked in raid if it wasn't for it's buff toward the taken even at that no one used them other then the MG and the sniper. how ever, it taking too long is part of the challenge. if my team can finish it and your team can't, it means were better at these challenges. don't mean to sound cocky but heroic should feel heroic.
I've cleared KF 62 times with the majority of those being in HM. Beat it the first week it was out. It was quite unforgiving in terms of execution. I liked the raid. But those things I menticould Ned are why no one else did.
you've proven my point. the raid isn't for everyone. if it's too hard do normal.
I think you have the mentality of a child, but ok. You win.
there is no win or lose in this discussion. you calling me a child means you're too childish to have a civil discussion about this raid. the salt is real in this forum.