actually, the bugs were manageable. the gear was alright, the weapons were new and looked cool. not effective in anyway it sucked in raid if it wasn't for it's buff toward the taken even at that no one used them other then the MG and the sniper. how ever, it taking too long is part of the challenge. if my team can finish it and your team can't, it means were better at these challenges. don't mean to sound cocky but heroic should feel heroic.
I've cleared KF 62 times with the majority of those being in HM. Beat it the first week it was out. It was quite unforgiving in terms of execution. I liked the raid. But those things I menticould Ned are why no one else did.
you've proven my point. the raid isn't for everyone. if it's too hard do normal.
I think you have the mentality of a child, but ok. You win.
there is no win or lose in this discussion. you calling me a child means you're too childish to have a civil discussion about this raid. the salt is real in this forum.