I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Here's my problem with it, it just felt way too reliant on mechanics. You didn't die often because you were put in a challenging combat scenario, you died often because of mechanics in the encounters. Now don't get me wrong, too little of the mechanics and you get a strike, but too much and it feels like a puzzle game with platformer aspects. My personal favorite was VoG. I felt it had a perfect balance of mechanics that made things tough (Being corrupted or whaever by oracles, and the whole cleanse thing, or the entire time flux portals), but weren't the standout killer of groups. I have had just as many wipes in VoG because someone gets lost in the dark corners of time as i have for being overwhelmed by praetorians or exploding harpies. I don't have the stats but from personal experience, I hardly ever died because there were too many adds and I made a bad tactical decision, I died because I didn't get behind a pillar fast enough, or my runner died and i had to wipe. That is why kings fall isn't my favorite. Still fun, and the loot does look awesome too. Loved the warlock gear