I was about to comment Cocoon is great on the Terminus... then you commented that they are trash except the Terminus, and you are right. I also, agree that loot from the raid should be elite, not game breaking but elite. I have a Genesis Chain, great pve gun, I like it a lot. The rest of these weapons are not that great. Ive seen the shotgun in pvp a bit and the fusion rifle is fun in pve.
I feel like there's no reason for me to do wrath of the machine, now that I have the only gun I want from it.
[quote]I also, agree that loot from the raid should be elite, not game breaking but elite.[/quote] I agree, but the raid gear needs that +1 factor that makes them superior to guns available OUTSIDE of the raid or they will not adequately reward those who run the raid, and we will have no incentive to repeatedly run the raid. VoG weapons are a great example of guns that were niche and tuned for the raid, but had that +1 factor over other weapons (they had elemental burns on primary weapons). Same thing with Crota Guns, although their raid perks often were useful OUTSIDE the raid as well (hive disruptor, wizard stunning, shooting through knight dark shields). IMO, Y1 raid gear wasn't game breaking, but it DID give that +1 factor that made them better than gear found outside of the raid. If it is determined that elemental primaries limit weapon choice, the answer is to make it so that you can scrap raid guns for their elemental cores which can be infused into other kinetic primaries. But it needs to start with the raid guns. The raid guns should be intrinsically desirable, and the cores should be a secondary factor for granting the ability to upgrade non-raid kinetic weapons. This would add a use for those 4th and 5th fatebringers we often got after running the VoG over 100+ times. Bottom line, Raid gear is endgame gear. It should be elite tier. It should be the best PVE gear you can get. And it should help reduce grind so that other mundane activities are less grindy. Taking the tediousness out of the grind in this game actually ADDS replayability to this game. It makes running the same strikes fun, because you get a sense of power progression, rather than the sense that nothing you will do will change your experience in the strikes, regardless of what light level you are.
Exactly. I think Genesis Chain is a great example. Great gun, solid nice perk. They should have put the pulse in the grasp archetype, everyone would be doing the raid lol
Honestly, before I quit the game and High RoF pulse rifles like Grasp of Malok were ruling crucibabies, I went and ground for an Oversoul Edict. It was a fully automatic version of the Grasp. Incredibly underrated weapon IMO. However, I don't think people grind for raid weapons for PVP purposes. They want a gun that is going to reduce their grind in PVE primarily (or at least I know I do and most of my group does). People who raid 3x a week or more typically aren't the same kind of people who play PVP nonstop for 3-4 hours a day.
Thats the thing though. I prefer pvp, but I do the nightfalls for skeleton keys and try to a god grasp of malok. If they had great raid pvp weapons available, more pvp players would do the raid.