Yeah they were only good when used in conjunction with other weapons, but the perk itself potentially lowered the DPS potential by taking the place of what could otherwise have been a DPS perk.
Furthermore, Primaries just don't do enough damage to justify their use in that tiny DPS window. I would simply use my sniper or spindle and then switch to my Terminus when I ran out of ammo.
I'm not asking for every single raid weapon to be godly like black hammer was, but they need to be really good and at least SOME of them need to be a notch above what is available outside of the raid.
IMO, they made raid gear such trash because they wanted people to do the raid to get their light level up and nothing more. They wanted casuals and solo players to feel like they weren't missing out on anything if they couldn't do the endgame content. Bottom line is Bungie DIDN'T embrace the social/multiplayer nature of this game and screwed the pooch when it comes to endgame rewards.
They did slightly better with WoTM, but the raid gear is only on par with gear available outside of the raid, or worse. VoG gear is a good comparison to WoTM gear because VoG gear is also tuned/niche for doing the raid. The difference is WoTM gear doesn't have that + factor that VoG weapons DID have. And I think part of this is their struggle with Luke Smith's bone-headed decision to remove elemental primaries rather than to rethink how they implemented them so they could have them AND expand elemental primary availability. As a result of their failure to give WoTM gear a +1 factor, only 4% of XBOX players have completed the raid, and virtually nobody is running or rerunning the raid.
Even though WoTM gear is BETTER, nobody cares because its not the BEST. Which raid gear needs to be in order to incentivize people to run and rerun it.
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