I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Here's the thing. I REALLY got hooked on Destiny in Y1 because I loved running the raids. At one point, I was running 6 + raids a week with different teams, even when I couldn't get any rewards or drops. I just ran them to help others through. So when HoW didn't have a raid, I was thoroughly disappointed, and when Kings Fall was announced as the TTK raid, I was stoked.
I think Kings Fall is a fun raid to play. Sure, its not the VoG, but it was difficult, fun to play, challenging on many levels for a variety of players, and it was the first raid we figured out from back to front without any video aids or guides. But I have two reasons why I hate it and don't have even close to as many completions as I do completions for the Y1 raids:
1. The WAY Kings Fall divides your teams power essentially makes it so that there is less team play. Sure, you are all on the same team, and you are all doing your part in order to help pass the raid challenges, but because of the mechanics of the raid works, in most instances, you can't really have a "buddy system" where people are always paired up with a teammate nearby to act as a fail safe. This puts more emphasis on a players ability to be able to survive on their own. And if you don't know where the threats are coming from, and nobody is watching your back, that is just a bad recipe overall in a raid.
2. The gear. Sure it LOOKS cool, but it totally sucks as far as raid gear goes. Cocoon would be a nice perk if it was an additional perk to a standardized perk tree like oracle disruptor is for the VoG weapons or Hive Disruptor is for the Crota weapons. But its not. It takes up a perk slot on the base perk tree, meaning that instead of three random perks you could have to improve your gun, your limited to TWO. And cocoon isn't that useful on guns that already have fast reloads.
In fact, all of the gear in Kings Fall, save the Heavy Machine Gun, are all utter trash. They're nothing more than infusion fuel. They're not top-of-the-PVE-world quality or even on par with vendor gear because of the way the perk slot works. This made it so that the rewards for completing kings fall were utterly inadequate and unfulfilling overall. Instead of feeling like you just conquered mount everest, you felt like you reached the top of the mountain, only to get kicked in the teeth because the loot was so bad.
I think Kings Fall is a great example of the reason why we need raid gear to be elite-tier loot. That raid was very hard to do if you did it blind. But once you figured it out, it was fun to do. There just wasn't any reason to play it. In the time you could run kings fall, you could have run a larger number of strikes and had many many more opportunities to get exotics OR strike-specific gear which by far surpassed anything offered in the raid.
That, plus the average completion time for Kings Fall was pretty high still, even at the end of the TTK era with LL at 335. Most people didn't wan't to spend the time it took to run the raid just to get crap rewards.
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