originally posted in:The New Dojo
Quincy made sure to keep up. Being smaller he had to walk faster, occasionally jogging to catch up.
[b]He stopped in front of a reception desk as we entered a larger room He turned right, and walked to the first door on the right hand wall. He knocked and Marker's voice answered [/b] [i]"Yeah?" [/i] "Sargeant, it's me." [i]"Come on in." [/i] [b]Royal opened the door and stepped inside, not waiting For Quincy [/b]
Q followed him in, his eyes glowing their regular silver color.
[b]Marker swiveled around in a spinny chair, and getting to his feet [/b] https://imgur.com/xQTp19X [b]He was clad in his advanced Titan pilot armor and extended a hand to Quincy [/b] [i]"Sir." [/i]
Q shook his hand. "Please, just call me Quincy." he said. "Its good to see you again."
[spoiler]No comments on the armor? I thought it looked dope [/spoiler] [i]"Of course sir, I mean Quincy." [/i] [b]He laughed awkwardly [/b] [i]"Good to see you too. Wasn't expecting any visitors this early in the morning." [/i]
[spoiler]It is, didn't know you wanted a comment.[/spoiler] Q chuckled as well. "Well, when I heard about what happened...I got worried is all." he said, his younger voice clearly emphasizing his concern.
[spoiler]Lol xD. [/spoiler] [b]Marker smiled underneath his helmet [/b] "[i]Nice to know you're worried. Not all the Captains care about the guard.... "[/i] "Unfortunate really. I put so much work into making it."
"I didn't know i actually had ranking here...Wait, do I?" he asked, having been wondering this for some time.
[quote][b]Royal patted Quincy on the shoulder [/b] "All members are Captains, make sure they actually know that there is lives depending on them. I'm the only General, which means you answer to me. Not really of course."[/quote]
Q nods. "Well, that I did not know. Guess I know now."
"I should probably revoke the rule, actually force people to take part in the guard. But That's just a whole Lotta work."
"Well, it'd probably keep the Dojo and surrounding areas from getting attacked all the time."
[i]"I respect the captains equally. Don't matter what they think of me."[/i] "You mean in regards to expandability?" [i]"Indeed." [/i]
"Expandability?" Q asks, not knowing what it means.
[spoiler]Typo, I meant expendability Meaning they're expendable [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ah, ok.[/spoiler] "Expendable? That's ridiculous. Mechs and artificial troops are expendable. Actual troops should be considered valuable assets, no offense meant. I just mean others should take a more thoughtful approach to the Guard."
"They don't care." [i]"To them, we're nothing more then cattle to be slaughtered." [/i]
Q frowns a little. "Well...That can't be how everyone else thinks, right?"
"That's how some think. Unfortunately. Cannon doesn't." [i]"Captain Cannon. Honorable man. He's the one that came to find the platoon with Watcher."[/i]
"I've met Cannon. Good guy. Helped him set up Christmas lights on his ship one time.."
[b]Royal patted Quincy on the shoulder [/b] "All members are Captains, make sure they actually know that there is lives depending on them. I'm the only General, which means you answer to me. Not really of course."