[quote]Or, put some kind of limit on the weapons we can take into the crucible. I would not want pvp and pve balance to be separated for the same reason Bungie don't. I think balance in pvp should either be given up, or exotics can't be taken into pvp activities.[/quote]
This is the hard part because some exotics were clearly designed for PVP. Patience/Time is not a great PVE sniper (its only average in most cases), but it truly excels as a dedicated long-range rifleman's weapon in PVP (and it's balanced because it lacks quickscope ability, one of the major issues during the sniper meta. Nobody complains of P/T being OP). Should it be banned from the area it shines in most because its exotic? I don't think that would be a good idea at all.
Another example of a primarily PVP exotic is First Curse. It's actually an INCREDIBLE PVP weapon if you use it right and play with a conservative playstyle (and use it in conjunction with 3rd eye). Should it be banned? I don't see anyone complaining that it is OP - in fact, most people ask for it to be buffed.
There's a laundry list of exotics which are well balanced, even for PVP purposes. So a blanket exotic ban doesn't work. Would a banned list of exotics work? I don't think that would resolve anything either, because people would complain that their favorite exotic is banned while others are not. And where would we draw the line? OG Suros pre-nerf was an awesome weapon in PVE AND PVP, mainly because it gave you the utility of an AR in cqc, and the functionality of a Scout Rifle when ADS. It dominated PVP for a long time because of that ability before it was nerfed. Should it be banned in PVP?
I've considered a banned list, and I used to think it was a good idea, and it MAY be a good idea if the threshhold for banning was very high, such as "the function of the weapon breaks the rules intended to be in place for crucible" such as when they nerfed the special ammo we spawned in with and got from a box. Icebreaker was a way to get around that rule. The problem is, so few weapons would actually be banned under this kind of scheme that it really wouldn't have a huge impact.
Honestly, I'd rather Bungie just throw balance to the wind. Make every gun as good as they were when they were the meta, and let player choice and map selection drive loadouts. Let whiners complain (because polls on the topic show people aren't willing to give up exciting/fun weapons to attain balance anyways) and let the PVP "balance" settle in. People will adapt and learn how to play efficiently with what they like in the long run (something the current rotating meta system doesn't allow for).
I do think that is the preferable option for everyone. In destiny 2 I think nerfs should only happen in the direst of circumstances such as OG vex mythoclast instead of people asking for it to be nerfed. Honestly, the meta we are in now is largely because of map design - most maps favour close quarters. If destiny 2 is going to be a complete restart - maybe that's the best thing. If that does happen, let balance resolve itself, at least for the most part.