I just played kings fall for the first time, absolutely loved it. It was super challenging especially sisters. And it's gear is also incredibly Badass looking. So why does a large majority of the community dislike it so much?
Kings Fall was an awesome Raid. Perhaps a little heavy on mechanics in some instances the raid felt more like a choreographed dance instead of a battle to slay a God or for survival. I absolutely love raiding, it's the one thing I can almost always guarantee to enjoy doing, however that being said even in a stacked team of veteran players and with no wipes and essentially a perfect run it is still the longest raid. I think the fastest run I've done on Kings fall was roughly an hour flat. This leads me to the other side of the coin, many people don't like raids in general because they can take a good amount of time to complete. Combine that with the difficulty and precise nature of the mechanics some people just can't do it and get frustrated. Also the Elitest scumbags when the raid was relevant don't help the situation, especially for new Raiders it's discouraging for them when they ask for an explanation because they haven't done it before and get met with hostility either by being kicked or some tool bad mouthing them. Also there are plenty of people out there who clearly have never beaten the raid before and perhaps watched a you tube video on the fights and stuff so they can claim to know what they are doing but it's obvious when that's the case because they die alot or cause wipes because they messed up. Which then leads to the experienced players becoming very hostile and merciless. Which as far as I'm concerned is warranted. Don't lie about your experience level because anyone with true experience can see your actual skill level by how you play and do certain things. Anyway sorry for the bit of a tangent, but yes Kings Fall is awesome, not the best but it's great.