no mention of cocoon whatsoever.
but it sounds like your talking about PVP.
in PVE, the raid weapons are amazing.
Why would I need to mention Cocoon? Cocoon is amazing on the machine gun, but that's basically it. As far as the raid goes, when do you need the raid weapons for the raid? Black Spindle is by far the ultimate choice up to the Sisters where Touch of Malice then takes over. I mentioned Qullims as being the best of the bunch, so that will sit in your arsenal, but nothing else is "required" or "god tier" to do the raid. I definitely stand by my breakdown of the weapons.
well nothing is "required" in any event, even the raid guns in the raid itself. but i also persist: cocoon is an under-appreciated perk.
Let's look at it from another angle and pretend cocoon is the best perk in the game. No amount of cocoon is going to make the hand cannon, auto rifle, shotgun, fusion rifle, or rocket launcher even remotely good. They are just really bad weapons from their stats to perks (even if we assumed cocoon is a top tier perk). The problem is cocoon's benefit greatly varies depending on the weapon. On the Machine Gun, I 100% agree which is why it's by far the best gun from the raid.