It's all about the mechanics though c;
I have to agree that if my team was actually good and didn't mess up on any of the mechanics like totems, platforms on sisters, capturing golgoroths gaze, then the raid really isn't too difficult. But at the same time, even knowing that, I feel like a badass when I beat the raid. I came out of it knowing it was mechanic heavy, but Tbh I wouldn't mind running it weekly like VoG or CE.
Also, CE was hella fun. Maybe I'm in the minority on both raids though because I LOVED being swordbearer.
That's your preference and this is mine. I can't stand how boring the raid is in terms of design or how stressfully difficult it is when it comes down to completing the boss fights. I've already made 1 Darks Souls reference so I guess it's time for another. King's Fall, to me, is like the Bed of Chaos from Dark Souls. Incredibly challenging but not in a good. Challenging as in the BS way. Like the developers got a little lazy and didn't want to try and make a difficult and fair fight. That they just threw many difficult things into 1 boss and didn't bother testing it. In the case of King's Fall, well it seems they tried to modify it to be the opposite of Crota's End which was also a failure of a raid but for the exact opposite reasons. It was too short, only had 1 boss, and the "mechanics" weren't really anything different from a normal boss except the Swordbearer. Otherwise you just dished out DPS and survived by standing in 1 spot and only moving for Ogres. It seems they tried to do the exact opposite with King's Fall. They made it much longer, have a lot of bosses, and put heavy mechanics on each boss. Which as you can see from the way Wrath of the Machine is designed, that the King's Fall formula didn't work either. All those things I listed above about King's Fall that are the opposite of Crota's End don't make for an actual challenge though. It's just artificial difficulty, just like the Bed of Chaos. Simply put, it's not what a true challenge is, challenging and incredibly difficult but fair. Also, I'm not trying to insult any of the raids or change your preference on them. I'm simply putting my own opinions on the raids of Destiny. Trust me, I do quite enjoy Crota's End. You don't get 130 completions on it and not enjoy something about it.