originally posted in:The New Dojo
"More tech huh, think we could build you a body with it? Make it so your able to fight?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of droid I could take over. It's just that...the more I look around the more I think this might be one of the first agent projects. Before all of the stupid AI crap that makes them go insane....Lets look around more."
He nodded, and presumed to examine every inch of the current room. "You find anything?"
[b]Zane finds a screen covered in dust with a key next to it. Something glows underneath the dust when he gets close.[/b] "I don't see any drones or droids in my scans, but I'll check again."
"Hold up, think I've got something...." He picks up the key and wiped the dust away, looking for the source of the glow"
[b]When he wipes the dust he sees the words "START UP IN PROGRESS" in bold, capital letters. There's a loud screeching and the sound of a large engine starting up. Chuck quickly floats over.[/b] "The hell did you do?!"
"All I did was wipe away the dust, Jesus Christ that's loud! What the hell is that coming from?!"
Edited by Stitch: 1/21/2017 11:35:11 AMhttp://pre00.deviantart.net/e424/th/pre/i/2012/325/9/1/rapier_by_ianskie1-d5log46.png [b]One of the walls starts to open and on the other side is a giant mech. When the doors fully open it comes crashing to the ground, causing a loud *ss sound to echo through the facility. The engine sounds slowly die down.[/b] "Damn!"
"Holy shit, what the hell kinda mech is that?!" He drew his buster sword, and was prepared to leap and attack.
"Hey hey, don't damage it! This thing is a masterpiece..." [b]The mech places its hands on the ground in a position to get back up. It slowly pushes itself to its "hands and knees".[/b]
"Then look for a way to shut it down while I hold it off!" He dashed forward and hit the mechs hand with the flat of his blade, trying to keep it on the ground.
[b]Chuck sighs.[/b] "It's not hostile! You'll just make it angry!" [b]The mech loses its balance for a second, but continues to get up until its on its feet.[/b]
"Tch, you'd better be right!" He leapt back next to chuck, and waited, his blade still raised.
[b]Zane watches as several lights on it turn on and the head looks straight at him. [/b] "I think he likes you."
"That's not funny...." He sheathed his buster sword on his back, and walked up to the mech.
[b]The mech doesn't move except for the head that continues to stare at Zane as he gets closer.[/b] "It might be the fact that you have the key."
"Yeah, think you might be onto something, but what's the key used for?"
"Maybe it's a key for umm....Wait, these mechs have pilots. Where's the pilot? Zane, look for a lock to use that key on the mech while I do a few scans."
"Gotcha." He got closer to the mech, and looked for any kind of lock that the key would fit in.
[b]On the back of the head Zane could barely make out a hole that might fit the key.[/b] "I think the pilot is inside."
He jumped on top of the mechs head and inserted the key. "That would be insane, no way someone could survive this long locked away."
"The first generation of agents could go into hibernation for thousands of years if needed." [b]There's a sound of metal grinding together and the head lifted up to reveal a cockpit. Inside was a limp suit of armor.[/b] http://pre11.deviantart.net/3336/th/pre/i/2013/144/0/6/blade_specialist_by_ianskie1-d66gnhu.png
"Shit, this guys pretty decked out..." He lifted the armor and jumped off the mech, laying him down in front of chuck.
Edited by Stitch: 1/21/2017 12:12:55 PMChuck floats around the man. "I doubt he'll wake up and hug us. Expect him to be extremely hostile and defend yourself, but try not to hurt him."
He sighed as he drew his buster sword. "Il do my best, see if you can't take over that mech."
"That mech is sentient. It has an AI in it that I'd consider equal to a person and I believe most of its systems are damaged because it isn't speaking." The man on the ground moves a little before clenching both of his fists.