As above!!
Yes I know the servers are a little choppy (ps4 at least, looks a lot better on p.c from what I seen on YouTube) but at £30 early access, the offline single player is more than worthy of the price!!
Quite challenging, real danger of loosing 20-30 hours work if you die! Lost all my armor, best weapons, ammo, my 1st pteranadon with saddle, will to live & all my food when I accidentally pressed triangle instead of circle!! *rolls a tear*
Then in a rage I lost my favorite raptor trying to retrieve said gear!!
Can't wait to find a descent tribe to run with to try some PvP!
I was planning to get it until they released DLC... [spoiler][b][u]for an early access game.[/u][/b][/spoiler] Definitely not going to be getting it. It's a slippery slope from here.