originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]An orchestra of shuffling and clicking noises erupts as they get close. The cavern is covered by the giant beetles.[/b]
"Well here goes nothing."
[b]Dal sheathes his sword and holds out his hands in front of him. He's clearly focusing incredibly hard.[/b]
"Stay close behind me and make no noise."
[b]Dal begins slowly shuffling through the cave the ones on the walls and ceilings just stare as the ones stationed on the ground move slowly out of the way.[/b]
[b]Royal did as told, following closely behind Dal while staying extremely silent [/b]
Edited by Big Cash Moneys: 1/22/2017 10:54:45 PM"Oh god!" [b]Dal screamed out and immediately dropped to his knees clenching his skull. One if his memories was coming to fruition. He was in the same position he sat in now looking up at a glowing winged man.[/b] "I'm starting to see something." [b]He muttered through gritted teeth, the horrible insects began to stir and starting approaching the duo.[/b]
[b]Royal knelt downward, creating a shadowy barrier around them suppressing any sound within the bubble [/b]
Edited by Big Cash Moneys: 1/22/2017 11:12:02 PM[b]He was sure now the man was an angel or maybe not, the pain made it hard to be sure of anything. He held in his arms the suit of armor Dal wore to this day. The angel spoke. "Dalkroth, Bane of Devil's I bestow upon you this armor may it see the heat of many battles in your…" His voice faded out and Dal returned to his feet. He quickly became aware of the current situation, his head still ached.[/b] "Oh god we gotta get out of here, screw the ship I've gotten all I need. You got any ideas how to get out of this mess?"
"Just one." [b]Royal stood, punching his arm forwards and taking himself and Dal back to the Dojo. He stumbled backwards, falling down as he looked up from the dojo's ground [/b]
Edited by Big Cash Moneys: 1/22/2017 11:20:34 PM[b]Dal remains on the ground just staring upwards, he recants to Royal exactly what he saw in his vision.[/b] "I'm no seer but I think that was meant to prove I'm one of the Deserted Valor. But what really confuses me is that [i]he[/i] called me the Bane of Devil's." [b]Dal just continued to stare on at nothing.[/b]
"The hell is that supposed to mean?" [b]Royal rolled over onto his chest, pushing upwards until he was on his knees [/b]
Edited by Big Cash Moneys: 1/22/2017 11:37:21 PM[b]Dal sat up.[/b] "I don't know, but my tag sure as hell doesn't say [i]that[/i]." [b]He went to examine his name tag as soon as he laid eyes on the thin metal disc his eyes rolled back into his head.[/b] [b]Dal was in another vision only this time there was a man who looked scarily like an aged version of himself. The strange man was accompanied by an armored escort. Dal began to speak, but he had no control of his words. "You know I would never touch a divine let alone kill one unless I had a very good reason. He was a betrayer he sided with them. Get your filthy hands off…" Dal sent a shockwave outwards, instantly killing the group, he looked down at his hands and as he began to form words the vision ended. [/b] [b]He woke to royal looking into his eyes.[/b]
"You alright?" [b]Royal stood over him, looking down at Dal [/b]
"I'm a murder. There had to have been twenty of them I killed in cold-blood. I knew they were wrong but still. I killed my own people." [b]Dal ripped off his helmet off tears streaming down his face he was hyperventilating.[/b]
"We're all murderers here Dal." [b]He placed a hand on Dal's shoulder [/b] "Some worse than others."
"These were my people, they were just doing their duty, I killed someone before, and I had to pay but I retaliated. I didn't even know I was capable of that." [b]Dal sat for a good while and thought.[/b] "I haven't lost faith in myself there was a reason I had to do what I had to do and I won't let this change me." [b]He stood and tried to look as heroic as possible.[/b]
"That's the spirit." [b]Royal stood, feeling a determination to help Dal until there was no more he could do [/b]
"I'm not sure where we should go next, well we could always search for that old bum who's one of my kind. But I have no idea how to find him." [b]Dal began to think as he picked up his helmet.[/b]
"Perhaps I can? I'll search through the shadow realm."
"Worth a shot, anything you need to know?"
"His name perhaps? Do you know it?"
Edited by Big Cash Moneys: 1/23/2017 12:18:39 AM"He called himself Qurvosk The Wise, but in his current state wise is not how I'd describe him."
"Think I've heard of him. I'll do some searching."
"I'll just think about what all that's happened means." [b]Dal sat back down with a slight frown.[/b]
"You sure?" [b]Royal looked at him, rather worried [/b]
"Oh, I thought the shadow realm was "members only" or something. I much prefer action rather than thinking." [b]Dal jumps to his feet ready for anything.[/b]
"Well I can always bring you into the realm through invitation."
"Well I can always bring you into the realm through invitation."
"Then what are we waiting for?"