originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]Dal approaches the confused looking girl.[/b]
"It looks like you're new to the Dojo, so am I, come have a seat."
[b]He walks back to his corner where his helmet lay on the table.[/b]
She took a seat at the table. [spoiler]So she's 24 is considered a "girl." Eh. Don't know if it's worth the salt...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Dalkroth could potentially be thousands of years old because he hasn't appeared to age in his conscious life time.[/spoiler] [b]Dal downs his shot glass and slams it on the table.[/b] "I'm not the best conversationalist but I'll give it a shot. My name's Dalkroth Eversbane, but you can call me Dal."
"I'm Splash. And I'm not the best at conversations either."
"Hmm seems like we'll get along fine." [b]He looks awkwardly at his lap for a moment.[/b] "So what's your reason for being here?"
"The Dojo or the bar?" Splash asked.
"Whichever makes the best story." [b]Dal chuckled as he thought he was clever.[/b]
"Neither individually so I'll combine both. So I was just curious one day, and I found my way to Dojo. Not sure exactly how, but I think something lead me here. Dunno why? Anyway, I wandering through the streets and I wasn't paying attention and I found myself in this tavern."
"Seems normal enough." [b]Dal wishes he had a simple story like that, he barely understood his.[/b]
"As about as simple as any of my stories could get."