originally posted in:The New Dojo
*he snickers a little* I can understand that. I would hate to give up my time to be a king.
"Yeah before this I would just wander aimlessly annoying travelers with riddles an puzzles. Occasionally I sneak out and do it all over again. The chess pieces are still trying to solve one of them" He pulls out a pawn that he kept as a souvenir from his visits. He smirks as he thinks of the mishaps he caused. "Pfft, and they keep going on about being clever only to be outwit by a cat"
Wow, so what happened when you became king?
"They wanted someone who knew a little about Wonderland to lead and I happen to be in the right place at the wrong time. I took the throne and at least things got less violent. As for the madness well, it's Wonderland. If it wasn't a bit strange it just wouldn't be the same"
Heh, guess you're right. What's anything without its quirks, right?
"Now I wonder where old hats ran off to..." As he said that a guard spots then as he walks down the road looking agrivated. The lights suddenly stiffen up. Chesh sighs and pulls out a packet of cards. "Oh well. Next time I guess I'll sneak into the woods. Wait, this should be interesting." He then hands over the packet of cards and vanishes. Within a few moments later the world seems to fade back out into the real world. The only indicator that anything actually happened was a pack of playing cards that Chesh given to the person. On the back of the deck is written "places to visit: Here"
Damn you 'It was a dream but it wasn't a dream' scenarios!