originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
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Who would you prefer getting their hands on the mantle of Taken King?
Savathûn, Xivu Arath, or Toland?
Any of the three could yield disastrous results for humanity, but [u]which do you think humanity would have the best shot against[/u]? Please post your reasonings in the comments below.
That one doozy of a question. Savatûn is a tricky one and would no doubt cut us down quickly and decisively. Xivu would absolutely cut us down. No question. She would use the taken to bum rush us and end us. I'm also really skeptical of Toland. He would definitely use the taken power, and I'm afraid that the deep would speak very persuasive philosophy to him and convince him to kill us. SO, in terms of who is more likely to be pursued to not kill us with taken, I'd honestly have to say Savatûn. Why? Because she's like a warlock on the dark side. She's a curious one, and if we could just talk with her, we could very well convince her that the light is the correct way to go about things. She would listen, unlike Toland and Xivu. (Toland being swallowed up by his hunger for philosophy and Xivu not giving a damn about what we have to say.) We could convince her to use the taken power to help others. Remind her of the times of the proto-hive and use her to help make others stronger so that they don't have to endure the same things she and her people once did. But that is of course only if we can get her to talk with us and if she doesn't immediately kill us. But that's just my opinion.[spoiler]yowza, been a while since I've had a comment that long.[/spoiler]