As above!!
Yes I know the servers are a little choppy (ps4 at least, looks a lot better on p.c from what I seen on YouTube) but at £30 early access, the offline single player is more than worthy of the price!!
Quite challenging, real danger of loosing 20-30 hours work if you die! Lost all my armor, best weapons, ammo, my 1st pteranadon with saddle, will to live & all my food when I accidentally pressed triangle instead of circle!! *rolls a tear*
Then in a rage I lost my favorite raptor trying to retrieve said gear!!
Can't wait to find a descent tribe to run with to try some PvP!
My group of friends is split in half. Half play PS4 mostly (me) the other Xbox. The Xbox side literally plays the game ALL the time. Constantly grinding and BS. Sure they've got some stories, and they're always on top, but I'm not about to sign up for a 3am-6am shift every week just so I can feed a dinosaur all night.