originally posted in:The New Dojo
[u]Family, Matters
Dojo courtyard A1.
9:32 AM [/u]
The wind rustled the grass of the courtyard, even as the last dews of the morning disappeared under the gaze of the gentle rays of sunlight that entered through the various clouds that rushed along. Then, everything seemed to perk up. Grass seemed to perk up, the trees seemed to rustle.
At the Gates, alighting upon a single tree branch, was a singular creature that some had come to know as Nada. A Guardian Spirit tasked with providing the Dojo with light. However.......that was not the reason for her visit. She scanned the courtyards from her perch on the branch, her vine and twig "mail" glistening with dew and sweat, her "sword" slung over her back with a vine.
It was obvious she was looking for someone, but who?
[spoiler]Open. Mortar and Garin, this is mostly for you two[/spoiler]
1.) And 2.) Alpha 3.) Dies
*cowboy music plays* Darn sound system.
Mari was sitting on a bench in the main courtyard, dressed in a pretty little white dress with a snowflake pattern stitched into it. She looked up upon hearing the rustle, tilting her head in curiosity.
"Ma-ri!" Nada said, leaping down to hug Mari
Mari smiled happily, hugging her once she was close enough. "Na-da!" she exclaimed in a shaky English.
"Where Kari?" She asked, Alpha had decided it was best not to tell her
Mari's expression changed dramatically. She shivered once before sighing, looking back at Nada. "Gone.." was all she said.
Nada seemed pensive, and hugged her friend tighter
Mari hugged her a little tighter too, sniffling a few times.
"I sorry......Somebody hurt my big brother Al-ex"
She sniffled again before wiping her nose with the back of her hand. She looked down at Nada, trying to talk to the best of her ability. Sapphire had been doing a moderate job at teaching her how to talk. "H-how arr-are yuu- you?"
"I am good......are you okay?"
She nods a little, rubbing her eyes as she sniffled again. "B-been d-doo-doing better.."
She sat next to Mari, purring and cuddling her "Good"
Mari smiled a bit, happy to see Nada again.
"Mama had a baby" She said matter-of-factly
Mari smiled a little more. Than she looked confused. "Who's Mama?" she asked, never having met Ry.
"Her name is Ry" Nada yawned "I have a little brother now, too!"
Mari smiles again, forgetting the word that would express interest and congratulations. So instead she nuzzled Nada, happy for her.
Nada giggled "Where you live?"