"The thin blade a mounted man on horseback uses"
"Oh of course. I see.."
"Well, I guess I'll just watch. if the kid comes along don't tell him I told you this." with that, he sits a fair distance away, and begins polishing a huge blade he pulls from off of his back, a japanese Katana
[b]Royal turned his attention back to crowd and sword [/b] [spoiler]End? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Just a timeskip[/spoiler] After a while, Alpha showed up. He was curious and tired, and his wrist bore the scars of what looked like someone having broken it. He was only wearing a T-shirt with a delta rune, Blue jeans, and boots. "What's this?"
[b]Royal replied tiredly [/b] "Sword of Legends. Exaclibur."
"What's your problem?"
"I'm very tired. Been here almost an hour, watching people fail at pulling the sword out."
"Mind If I try? this can't actually be Excalibur, but then again, this is the Dojo after all"
"Why wouldn't it be Excalibur. Feel free to give it a go."
He walked over, and grasped the handle, his furred and padded palms over the weapon, and he pulled
[b]No dice, the sword didn't move [/b] "Damn thought you'd be the one."
"meh, why'd you even hold tryouts? You think some kid from Dojoville could pull the thing out easily?"
"It is entirely possible. I don't see any reason it shouldn't be."
"wait.....you said....what do you know about me?"
"Let's see, Alpha. 15, brother to Beta. Good kid for the most part."
"uh huh.....what else?"
"I believe your real name is Alex? Not sure about that."
"Anything else?" He clenched his jaw
"Nah I think that's it..."