Let's face it, liberals are vastly superior to the anti-Liberals. While liberals actually try to hold intelligent political conversation, anti-Libs, better know as "le epic trolle" and even better know as "Neck-beard Joe," main focus is to utilize recycled insults to invalidate liberals and unite sheep with mockery. Everything is very condescending and anti-Libs always assume liberals are <12 years old. And they usually will do anything anti-liberal just to spite liberals, evsn if its self destructive. Donald Trump being elected is a perfect example. I think I've held more intelligent conversations with infants than I've ever had with an anti-lib.
I'm not a liberal extremist, but I sure prefer them over anti-Liberals.
Edit: All these anti-Libs claiming it's bad b8. If it's so bad, why waste your time posting anything at all? Check and m8.
There might be only a few actual intelligent conservatives and liberals on this site that have some sort of clue of what they're talking about. Just because you have a response to a 14 year old conservative on this site doesn't make you a political genius. The fact that you would even consider this to be true already makes you more of an idiot than the people who you believe to be your enemies because they have a different opinion than you. Stop being so closed minded and realize that it's not an "us" vs "them" fight. It shouldn't even be a 'fight' at all, it's simply multiple ideas coming together to try and figure out how to run a nation and economy. TL;DR: Stop being a bigot.