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1/25/2017 6:25:45 AM

The Invocatio Analusis- Entry Five: The Bray Family (Part Nine)

[b][u]Brilliance 3.2 [i](6)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Owl Sector Internal, OS-I6 6 QUI: He's been transferred to the hospital wing. Stable for the moment. RAM: We’ll have to be more careful. What's Berriole's latest? [i]Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-5.2 Yesterday, with a wild yell, Patient B sat up, then started singing and dancing. Tried to calm him but was unsuccessful. He has not stopped since regaining consciousness. I have heard all the songs of his childhood, half the pop hits of the past century, and improvised ballads about his life. He's owned two dogs and six cats and I know all their names.[/i] [b]Patient B shows extremely unusual behaviour. His apparent inability to refrain from singing, suggests a lack on self control. Perhaps the nannites are exercising their control over the patient?[/b] RAM: There's hope, then. QUI: Trust me, you don't want to hear Shun sing. [b]Quist has heard Shun sing. Apparently quite poorly.[/b] [b][u]Fortitude 3.1 [i](6)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 6, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION. We don’t know what this tech mite can do—travel along communications lines and in data packets, say—so the Owl Sector has decided to cut all but two emergency connections between City and Tower. My screens are fixed on the transmission map and no longer can be pointed toward home. [b]Quist is cut off completely from his family in the City.[/b] [i]Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-3.4 Yaris can't speak or make any sound at all. We do not know whether this condition is permanent. He lets me know what he requires, whether water or food, by typing, but has been reserved about his own thoughts. I find it difficult to look him in the eye.[/i] [b]Dr. Shirazi seems to feel guilty about Yaris. He seems to blame the doctor, as his inability to speak leaves him with typed and written mesages, as well as his facial and physical cues.[/b] [b][u]Glory 2.1 [i](6)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Owl Sector Debrief to Ikora Rey, OS-I6 6 IR: Welcome to the Underwatch, Acting Liaison Ramos. How is Shun? Why are you laughing? RAM: We had a bet. He said that'd be the first thing you'd ask. He’s still unconscious. [b]Shun knows that Ikora cares for him, despite the Warlock's neutral reactions to him. He continued to retain his sense of humour, until he slipped into unconsciousness.[/b] IR: My Hidden are at your command. We’ll do whatever’s necessary. Have you any idea what a cure might look like? RAM: Not yet. Shun asked me to call this entry to your attention. [b]Shun continued to provide help up until his catatonic state. He seems ever loyal to Ikora. The Warlock also promises the support of The Hidden, seemingly due to her increased investment in the crisis.[/b] [i]Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-4.5 Jun has refused to perform required strength and intelligence tests. He has accused me, Willa Bray, and the Clovis Bray corporation of nefarious purposes thirty-two times since injection. "Clovis Bray destroys the world to remake it in their own image. That's their goal. Look at me—the first step to your perfect colonist. But I'm just a prototype. You know what happens to prototypes, Dr. Shirazi." I am not sure how this subject passed the psychological screen. Visual observation suggests good health, despite the nimbus of white particles around his head.[/i] [b]Perhaps Glory has increased the anxiety or paranoia of Jun. Jun insinuates that Clovis Bray acts as though it is a God, that chooses to do things based in no reason, but it's own. Glory continues to replicate to the point of visible confirmation.[/b] [b][u]Magnificence 2.0 [i](6)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 6, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION. Shun, Quist, you've gone silent and I don't know why. I am alarmed, but in the absence of updated orders, I am remaining on site to finish extracting the Shirazi logs. I hope that you and the City remain in good health. [b]Berriole is not informed of the increased quarantine procedures. Even so, she continues to decrypt and provide data to Owl Sector.[/b] [i]Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-4.1 Patient A appears to be walking two inches above the ground. It is unclear why this has happened. The soles of her feet have turned blue. She is alarmed and delighted by turn. This of course complicates our strength tests.[/i] [b]The nannites have replicated to the point of difficulty. The scientist does not seem worried, though irritated at the inability to preform capability tests.[/b] [b][u]Splendor 2.6 [i](6)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Records of the Vanguard, OS-I6 6 IR: This mite now affects a third of our Guardians. While it appears to do no substantial harm to Guardians, we have one civilian casualty. ZAV: I propose tightening restrictions for the safety of City residents. And we should stay vigilant. Dr. Shirazi's notes suggest other undesirable or unexpected effects, in addition to those we’ve encountered. CY6: What, walking on air? Singing? Dancing? Strength? Readiness to fight? I'm not seeing the disadvantages, Commander. IR: Liaison to the Vanguard Shun Li is unconscious in the hospital wing right now. I would call that a disadvantage. [b]Ikora takes exception to Cayde - 6's light hearted dismissal of the dangers of the nannites to the civilian populous. Particularly Shun.[/b] CY6: Ah. Shun. ZAV: Ikora is correct. Our commission is to protect the City, under all conditions, in all circumstances. We cannot risk the health of our citizens for this, this—whimsy. CY6: Fun. The word you're looking for is fun. [b]Cayde - 6 continues to feel indifferent to the plight of the civilians, so long as they maintain the Guardians embargo on the City, the Transmission Crisis could be fun. Idiot.[/b]
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