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1/25/2017 6:23:35 AM

The Invocatio Analusis- Entry Five: The Bray Family (Part Eight)

[b][u]Brilliance 3.2 [i](5)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Owl Sector Internal, OS-I6 5 QUI: I’d forgotten how heavy and sweaty these were. RAM: Truth be told, I’m braver with the suits on. [b]All the present Owl Sector members are wearing containment suits, in preparation to receive a sample sent by Berriole.[/b] QUI: A hundred separate pieces, requiring buckling and zipping, though? RAM: We’ll improve the design. Eventually. But they work. Berriole’s got the most delicate tasks, and she manages. SHU: Speaking of our codebreaker. She sent a sample scraped off the sand. And this log. [b]A sample of the nannites perhaps? Not enough information is provided to make a positive statement.[/b] [i]Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-3.2 This is the second day that Patient B continues comatose. Hydration and nutrition support have been enabled. Vital signs are good. Green particles appear to be accumulating on his lips and nostrils. I have not observed similar consequences for other patients and am wondering if this was an idiosyncratic reaction.[/i] [b]Patient B is placed on life support. Brilliance continues to replicate. Dr. Shirazi believes that the patient may be experiencing a unique, and isolated reaction to the nannites.[/b] QUI: Wait, what are you doing? Shun, where are your gloves? [b]Ignoramus. Shun has a containment breach in his own suit. He is most likely now contaminated with whatever particles are received from the Mars sample.[/b] [b][u]Fortitude 3.1 [i](5)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 5, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION. The Tower bubbles and seethes. No one sleeps. The Guardians rejoice, competing to infect each other, without a care in the world. The City glows in the distance. I sit alone in the Owl Sector observatory, at the highest point of the Tower, and watch the numbers on my monitor rise and rise. Shun is usually here with me, late at night, drinking tea and mocking my simulations. It's quiet without him. [b]Despite Shun's antics at Quist's expense, Quist still misses his colleague. His lament also shows that the Owl Sector may exist within the Tower, and that he may be stranded at work, rather then having gone to the Tower to initialize the quarantine and been stranded when the embargo on Tower-City travel was established. [/b] [b][u]Glory 2.1 [i](5)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Owl Sector Debrief to Ikora Rey, OS-I6 5 IR: Restricted leave? What did you do? SHU: Forgot to put on part of the isolation rig. Too tired. I can't remember yesterday at all. Ramos will take over the duties of Liaison to the Vanguard. You treat her nice, okay? She's nervous. IR: You—rest well. SHU: I will. [b]Ramos is a woman. Shun still has a sense of humour, though this seems a deliberate attempt to offset his worry. Ikora seems to repress the worry she also feels for Shun.[/b] [b][u]Magnificence 2.0 [i](5)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 5, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION. Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-3.1 I can see them now. Blue beadlike or beelike particles swarming around Patient A's head. I wonder what took me so long. This effect was not intentional. We directed the nanoparticles to strengthen the subject's immune system, reinforce skeletons, exoskeletons, joints, and musculature, and accelerate synapse and logic board signaling. This should all have been invisible and internal. What does it mean? [b]This could suggest that the programming protocols for Magnificence may not have considered the increasing replication of the nannites, thus producing visible swarms that remain around the host body.[/b] [b][u]Splendor 2.6 [i](5)[/i][/u][/b] Primary Text: [None] Secondary Text: Records of the Vanguard, OS-I6 5 IR: Was that Saladin who just stormed out? He’s been on edge lately. ZAV: He demanded to know what the mite was. IR: His guess is as good as ours. [b]Saladin has not yet come to terms with the fact that something reminicent of the dreaded SIVA have reappeared. Perhaps he was in denial at the time...[/b] CY6: Don't mind him, he’s always like that. Have you seen Shaxx? His poor Crucible. "What is this stuff? Get it out of my Crucible!" IR: You’d think he’d appreciate increased aggression. ZAV: He cares more about fairness. [b]Zavala knows Lord Shaxx well, as they were both once proteges of Lord Saladin. Shaxx is discontent with the nannites messing with the 'balanced' opportunities of his Crucible.[/b] Transmitted from Owl Sector's Bypass Authority, Dust Palace, Mars. [i]Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-3.3 Patient C insists that I call her Kit. She says she has been fighting all her life for an advantage and finally has it, and she's not about to let it go. She has broken several pieces of equipment in exhilaration, in addition to a large quantity of glassware. "Let me at 'em!" she said. "Give me something to fight!"[/i] [b]Splendor has increased the aggression in both this patient and Guardians. It seems highly unlikely that this has a positive connotation with Dr. Shirazi. Perhaps this particular nannite strain was engineered for soldiers of war?[/b]
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