Now, I have the time, to explain everything..."
Bookmark this, like this, hate this, but mark my words... This is how they will be starting up the hype. You heard it hear first.
Edit: Some masterminds on Reddit (and probably here too) already made a thread similar to this. For those who haven't seen those: You heard it here first, so remember me... plz.
Marked for claim chowder when you are wrong.
The Darkness is approaching.
Regional Dedicated Host Servers for ALL Activities.. Otherwise I won't be buying Destiny 2.0..
The Ascendant are coming for you.
Make red death great again!!!!
"Now, I have time, to explain everything... [spoiler]but time is money, so.. Eververse" [/spoiler]
Destiny 2 DLCs leaked on Kotaku. The Emotes Below House of Tess The Taken Emotes Rise of Eververse
Yes we know only bad players use Hunters & Titans.
The screen is in black and you hear the faint screams in the background, then the first line is [spoiler]Omnigul is back once again[/spoiler]
I hope so. That would be epic
I don't know how it will sound, but if it's just cinematics we're screwed.
I was thinking more along the lines of hearing Luke Smith saying "I told you would throw money at the screen." In all seriousness, Bungie will likely start the hype train late spring.
Play as fallen plox
More prison of elders, except you are the prison
Edited by Vial: 1/26/2017 2:25:04 PMA calm showing of the Red sands on mars. Bullets in the distance, Firing relentlessly. Explosions and death surround you, Camera slowly pans arouns your footsteps, Your gun drops to the ground, you fall to your knees as black figures in the distance approach you. Then the frightening words are spoken [spoiler]"[i]Whether we wanted it or not"[/i][/spoiler]
Destiny 2 will be trash. I ain't wasting money on it after seeing what becoming legend is really like.
It probably will be.
Coming September 2018 ..........
See those mountains over there.. You can go to them!
If it's not about dedicated servers I'm out
"We know we done F'd up the last 3 years whilst also bleeding your pockets dry in the process, but it seems you were stupid enough to have bought into the hype once more. The old adage fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me springs to mind.." That's how the game will open and it will be followed by a steady stream of disappointment
Edited by Blast Zone 29: 1/26/2017 2:43:20 AMDramatic music as the camera pans to the Vanguard overlooking the ashes of the Tower. "We have slain a god and his son. We have killed a ruler of time and stopped a mechanical infection. But now, The Architects have arisen. They don't use weaponry. They use the world itself. They have brought with them a dangerous new threat that we thought was vanquished forever. RNGesus." Destiny: The return of the horrible loot system.
Edited by Edgin Mor: 1/26/2017 10:33:06 PMIt carries on with the stranger: "You know nothing about the struggles I have been through, that story is for another time, this story however, cannot wait." *Play intense music and show a zoomed out picture of saturn crawling with cabal.* "It was never just your precious few planets, the universe is at war!" *Shows first person a guardian in a spacefight in his ship* *Shows a huge, and I mean MASSIVE cabal ship* *It lands on Saturn and dwells in a huge cave underground* "This is no longer just a battle, this is war!" *Camera turns from speaker and guardianto cayde* "What she is trying to say is, when life gives you lemons, squeeze the crap out them and make some damn fine lemonade" *Zooms in on new cabal strike boss* *Camera back on stranger* "No matter how many gods you kill, you will never be truely alone" *Shows 1 min of guardians fighting vex and on new crucible maps and shows 1 new exotic* At the end xurs voice plays: "My will is not my own, ......neither is yours." What do you think? Dont be too harsh.
[i]*Bungie quickly rewrites script*[/i]
Now I have the time, to explain Crucible lag to you....................