Now, I have the time, to explain everything..."
Bookmark this, like this, hate this, but mark my words... This is how they will be starting up the hype. You heard it hear first.
Edit: Some masterminds on Reddit (and probably here too) already made a thread similar to this. For those who haven't seen those: You heard it here first, so remember me... plz.
Everyone keeps complaining about PvP like it's the main focus of destiny. If you want a better multiplayer experience ( if we can call it that ) go play a heavily PvP focused game like COD. With a PvE story that can be finished in a few hours. Then dump 1k hours into multiplayer. This is a so-called called hybrid RPG/MMO/FPS PvP will never be near what the players want. Weapons are constructed to go up against alien enemies with certain health's and abilities. After you take those same weapons into a PvP environment against various gaurdians with different weapons/ loadouts/ health/ abilities there are too many variables. I don't feel it can ever be balanced.