[i]Do you realize what I've been saying? I'm trying to tell you he thought. He skipped out on every type of medication, every cure he could have taken. He thought it was all garbage. But I couldn't do anything. I'm programmed never to tell him about the cures available. I couldn't warn anyone. That's why I tried to get someone to notice. [/i]
"You found the wrong guy Ion..."
[i]I took my chance. And Rook took his.[/i] [b]For a split second the light on Rook's helmet flickers on and off one last time. Ion nearly thought that he was back, but it was impossible.[/b]
"So... Is there anywhere I should leave you? Computer maybe?"
[i]A computer would be fine. I have one thing to ask you, please take Rook's helmet, I'd like to access the files and memories from it. [/i]
"Yeah sure." [b]Watcher knelt by Rook, attempting to pull the helmet off [/b]
[i]Hit the button on the right side, right next to the visor, that will unlock the helmet and you can take it off.[/i]
"Alright...." [b]Watcher does as told, hitting the button and slipping the helmet off. [/b]
[b]Rook's face was barely recognizable, the blood and bullet holes masking his face.[/b] [i]If you can just put my computer chip back into the small slot on the helmet, that'll be good. Then if you can hook the helmet up to a computer, that will be perfect.[/i]
"I was thinking... You know I'm sure the dojo Guard would appreciate some help from an A.I. SUCH as yourself."
[i]I think I'll be happy to help out. I was in fact specifically designed to help Rook in combat. I'll help the Dojo Guard.[/i]
"You think we could change some of your programming to? To fit it in better? What restrictions do you have currently?"
[i]He never set any restrictions, he wanted me to be as human as possible. If you can hook his helmet to a computer, I can reprogram myself to what you need. The only people that could reprogram me is Rook and myself. [/i]
"Hmm... Excellent. I look forward to working with you more." [b]Watcher ejected the chip, and placed it in the helmet. He then got to his feet, headed for the dojo headquarters as several Dojo guards swarmed around Rook. [/b]
[i]Well Rook, I'll see you in another lifetime, hopefully. This is goodbye.[/i] [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yee [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Just then John Quiñones pops out. "Sir, welcome to What Would You Do." "So, why did you do what you did?" [/spoiler]
[spoiler]LOL I remember that show! Miss it.. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]We should a series reboot, but it is all about actors being racist and seeing how someone reacts. And I'm talking full KKK outfit. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]... Hell Fúcking Yes [/spoiler]
[spoiler]"On this episode of What Would You Do, we have a black man head to the hood of Chicago, while holding a Confederate Flag, and advocating for the right to own slaves."[/spoiler]
[spoiler]LMAO "Next time: White Males visit women's marches and make speeches on why males are dominant [/spoiler]
[spoiler]"Then we see the women's reaction. When a transgender gay muslim refugee makes the speech about men being better than women in every single way."[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'd pay to watch that to be honest [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Pure TV gold[/spoiler]