"Maybe I should tell them they aren't in South Africa... oh I'm sorry. Welcome to the house of cards. I'm Chesh, King of hearts. Now what was that about some wannabe god?"
"I'm Royal. His name is Anthony, and apparently he's harnessed the power of a God."
"Ah the one with the house fire! I guess I figured he was prone to doing something foolish. Seems to run in the family. Well at least you came to the right place." Ash looked out the window. "[u]you know a lot about him. Is he, someone you met?[/u]" "Oh no, I've never met him."
"Then why, or how do you know so much?
For some reason Chesh found the question to be amusing. Smirking for knowing something they don't. "But that would ruin the surprise! Besides I think you and I know the question you actually want to ask" Ash decided to ask him something looking at him in the eyes. "[u]Don't you know how to stop him?"[/u] "Yes. But I'm guessing there's more to that question" He looked back seeming rather smug about his standing in this topic.
[b]Royal turned slightly to look at Ash and shook his head [/b]
"What is it?" She looks at him confused between the annoyance of the "king" and what is going though his mind.
[b]He sighed, turning back to Chesh [/b] "I believe I know what you want asked. Why should we stop him? After all he's just looking for the remains of his daughter."
"Oh no, by all means stop the man but I was actually kind of hoping to make a deal, not have an end of your world party"
"End of the world party? That actually sounds like a lot of fun."
"Yup! Drinks all around with a train smashing through fragments of your world tearing the place to bits! It's a swell time till you realize that the end of the world is actually the world ending"
"Tell me something, heart king. Why did we end up here."
"Either your absolutely mad, here to claim Vorpal, or a bit of both. Kind of strange to show up in the halls of the only person to have the key to the sword"
"Key to the sword? You truly love riddles I take it?"
"Words are weapons if you known how to use them. I am willing to find it for you if you are willing to help me."
"..." [b]Royal looked up, thinking it over [/b] "I am not a man. And am certainly not a fan. Why should I tie this knot, with some that is naught, more then a funny guy?"
"Well would you rather find a way out only to end up getting sent right back again? Besides I'm not asking for much. Only a way out of this Wonderland from time to time. It gets boring seeing the same faces and them knowing all your tricks."
"Well, if we may enter randomly. Then I'm sure you can set it so you can leave Regularly."
He makes he way his way to the door out to the hallway. He turns and waves for everyone to come. "Well there is always bringing back the looking glass. Besides you need a way back yourself right? It's a win win"
"Suppose you do this. What are your intentions in our world? [b]Royal followed Chesh [/b]
"Well, is it strange to want to be a stranger? A wonder to want to wander? Apart from you and her I know this place down the the last mad man" Ash following behind puzzles at Chesh's desire. "[u]you... just want to not know where you are? a strange request[/u]"
"Oh no. That is not is request. Is request is much simpler. He just wishes to be... Stranger. One who no one knows."
"Correct. Before this I would wander aimlessly stumbling into all sorts of odd people and creatures. Eventually it seems I ended up meeting everyone and now there's nowhere I can really go without already being well known"
"Being the King of Hearts would make that difficult, no?"
"You wouldn't believe the amount of times I snuck out when the guards weren't looking. I've probably driven them madder than this place already is" The thought brought a smile on his face at the expense of his own soldiers. While he shouldn't find it amusing he did. For him the more they tried to keep him from wandering off the more it made him want to try.