Looking for players to pair up to join on raids and strikes. Need some friends that play now since coming back to Destiny.
Gamer tags are
Escapeexistence=Hunter 40, Hunter 40 and titan 40. 300-320 light
Okagesamaotaku= titan 40, warlock 40 and Hunter 40 light on all characters is 300-320
We play regularly at night and on weekends.🎮 come play with us always looking to make new friends and have help.
400 warlock. Looking for raid team as well. Feel free to add. Midwest usa
What is your gamertag. I can't seem to find you
NapalmSurfer psn4
Oh bummer I have a Xbox one
I thought that might be the case. Good luck finding players. 👍
Okay awesome I'll be happy to add you. I'll send an invite whenever and feel free for vice versa