This link shows a helmet for the hunter from VOG but as you year one hunters know the VOG hunters zealot helmet had one cyclops eye similar to the the titan VOG helmet just without the piece/handle/aerial on top.
Also states in description the item has been removed, seems like a bungo employee did a boo boo then tried to clean it up.
With all this I think it's clear that we may get an updated Vault Of Glass Raid in the spring update(most likely sometime in April).
If you are curious about the other parts of gear from VOG they are in the armoury too...full sets for all three classes...just a weird shade of blue hue to them as to the bronze look they use to have.
Edit: Here's another link showing VOG in a ROI test build(most likely in early phase before removing things like ascendant materials.
Edit 2: Ok... a lot... of skepticism trying to prove a point(not actually anything solid from Bungie themselves)....but what about those images from imgur?? Did mr Deej(The man who likes to tease) take photo's and uploaded them anonymously on imgur?...let's hope it's true and we do get a Vault Of Glass Raid revival for spring content update.
Edit 3: Ok it's all fake, lets all fall into the despair pit called content drought, with every nook and cranny done and searched...there's nothing left...the hope has been crushed.
Edit 4: (4/4/17) Hate to say I told you so but f u c k it I TOLD YOU SO! Fake my ass! even a mod calling it fake! Here I was trying to get word out but you all happened to flat out call it fake!? Crush my topic you say! For F u ck Sake People! Gawd damn!
small bump